Track 2 – Business Analytics and Big Data

Become proficient in the technologies that are transforming the world every moment. At IDP, our commitment is that you will not only learn about these technologies, but master and use them to stimulate innovation and change your reality. We have a responsibility to prepare students not just for today or tomorrow, but for different versions of the future. This goes far beyond merely curricular knowledge. It involves developing a technological mindset

Develop a technological mindset

At IDP Graduation, you will learn the essentials of how each technology works, its main applications, the biggest players involved in each of these technologies and the main obstacles to future development.

Disruptive Technologies

Big Data and
Data Analytics


Disruptive Technologies

Artificial intelligence

3D printers

The Business Analytics and Big Data area was designed to provide an exclusive difference to the IDP undergraduate student. This is a set of disciplines and activities that aim to make students proficient in disruptive technologies, that is, those that have profoundly affected the day-to-day lives of organizations, such as: blockchain and cryptocurrencies, artificial intelligence and machine learning. learning, deep learning, internet of things (IoT), big data, among others.

To this end, most of the disciplines in the area are taught in new and modern computer laboratories, where students will have access to the main technologies for handling large databases and managing this information.

Trail Disciplines

  • Programming Language for Data Science
  • Statistics I and II
  • Data Science, Big Data and Data Analytics for Executives
  • Business Intelligence and Datawarehouse

Basic Cycle

  • Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning I
  • Digital Assets and Blockchain

Specific Cycle

  • Econometrics applied to Big Data
  • Neural Networks and Deep Learning
  • Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning II



Job Market

Business Analytics and Big Data Track aims to align the professional horizon of IDP students with new trends in the job market. Training in data science, despite being rare in Brazilian higher education institutions, is one of the most demanded in the Brazilian and global job market. The development of skills and competencies to work with new technologies will enable students to pursue a variety of innovative careers in companies, consultancies, non-governmental organizations and the government.