to Lead

Many people think that the Degree in Economics is dedicated to exclusively studying economic phenomena, such as recession and inflation. Although macroeconomics is an important part of economic science, Economics is a much broader field of study.

At IDP, you will learn to apply business methods and economic theory to real-world problems. The mission of our Degree in Economics is to train students on all economic aspects of modern society, familiarize them with techniques for analyzing economic problems and develop in them the ability to evaluate both public policies and business plans.

Are you interested in discovering the best way to structure your investment portfolio? How to use artificial intelligence to anticipate consumer behavior and structure better business plans?

How does blockchain work and why could bitcoin be the currency of the future? How can certain policies help poorer countries become more prosperous? Or what are the reasons behind salary differences by gender and race? How to evaluate the impact of marketing actions or public policies such as Bolsa Família?

IDP's Degree in Economics aims to enable students to answer all these questions and learn to use various tools – big data, data science, artificial intelligence – to pursue a successful career.
