November 3-5, 2021

Working Groups

GT 1 Transparency, Open Government and Governance

Prof. Dr. Marco Antônio Carvalho Teixeira (EAESP-FGV)
Prof. Dr. Karina Furtado Rodrigues (ECEME and EBAPE/FGV)
Prof. Dr. Josiel Valadares (UFV)

The Working Group addresses: 1) formal and informal participatory institutions of democratic governance and social control mechanisms - public transparency, accountability, open government, among others; and addresses co-production and public cooperation in a network (through the creation of intermunicipal consortia and inter-federative cooperation, for example) for the provision of public services.

GT 2 Public Policy Analysis

Prof. Dr. Eduardo Grin (EAESP-FGV)
Prof. Dr. Michelle Vieira Fernandez (IPOL/UnB)
Prof. Dr. Pedro Cavalcante (IPEA)

The Working Group discusses themes, theories and public policy models with the aim of fostering and expanding applied academic dialogue, with diverse approaches, both theoretical and methodological, on the topic. The GT is open to analytical and normative models of public policies applied to studies on: agenda-setting, decision-making process, formulation, implementation, monitoring and evaluation of public policies and government programs. Furthermore, we seek to use new approaches in public policy management: public policies and institutional arrangements, governance, network analysis, intersectorality, policy diffusion, evidence-informed public policies, state capabilities and public policy instruments, among others."

GT 3 Management of Public Organizations

Prof. Dr. Vicente da Rocha Soares Ferreira (UFG)
Prof. Dr. João Passador (USP-RP)

Covers studies involving organizational functions and administrative cycle processes: strategic planning, organization, direction, execution and control at the intra-organizational level.

GT 4 Public Planning, Social Management and Territorial Development

Prof. Dr. Júnia Fátima do Carmo Guerra (UEMG)
Prof. Dr. Armindo dos Santos de Sousa Teodósio (PUC-MG)
Prof. Dr. Mário Vasconcellos (UNAMA)

From a dialogical perspective, GT 4 “Public Action, Social Management and: Sustainable Territorial Development” aims to explore studies that address: theoretical and methodological conceptions about public action, social management and: sustainable territorial development. To this end, and considering the relevance of: integration in the proposed theme, it is expected to receive proposals for articles that: contemplate the Policies, programs and projects of state and non-state actors and: their implications for traditional peoples and local populations,: especially vulnerable , stigmatized, excluded and subordinated. Approaches: Social Management in the analysis of policies, programs, projects and: public actions for territorial development and environmental conservation. Power: Local, Territory, Local Development, Sustainability, Post-Development and: Good Living. Articles from different theoretical frameworks, methodological approaches and territorial sections (municipalities, cities, conservation units, protected areas, river basins, among others) will be accepted, with the following being: assembly of sessions oriented towards debate between contradictions.

GT 5 Accounting, Finance and Budgeting in the Public Sector

Profa. Dr. Ana Rita Sacramento (UFBA)
Prof. Dr. Flávio Fontanelli (FGV-RJ)
Prof. Dr. Robson Zuccolotto (UFES)

Addresses theoretical and applied issues related to Accounting, Finance and Budgeting in the Public Sector with the aim of fostering and expanding applied academic dialogue of diverse approaches, both theoretical and methodological on related topics: the financing of state activity and the application of these resources by the State (expenses/investments); the budget planning and execution process, comparative study of budget models and controls; questions and themes related to accounting models and practices adopted in Brazil and around the world and their relevance for democratic regimes; the impact of tax/administrative modernization programs on public management; and, the institutions of democratic controls over public administration, whether in Brazil or in a comparative perspective.

GT 6 Innovation and Entrepreneurship in the Public Sector

Profa. Dr. Daniela Meirelles Andrade (UFLA)
Prof. Dr. Thiago Dias (UFRN)
Prof. Antônio Vagner Almeida Olavo (UFAM)

This group seeks to disseminate and debate work in the field of Innovation and Entrepreneurship based on the following descriptors. Innovation: Innovation Laboratories in the Public Sector, Innovations in Public Administration (such as bodies, authorities and public foundations), Innovations in state-owned companies and their relationship with performance (in the financial dimension and in other dimensions of public interest), Participation of public administration in local, regional and national innovation systems/ecosystems, Culture and behavioral aspects of innovation and entrepreneurship in public organizations. Entrepreneurship: Public Entrepreneurship, Public Entrepreneurial Actions, Public Entrepreneurial Process, Context and Opportunity in the public sector. Political Entrepreneur, Institutional Entrepreneur in the Public Sector, Public Policy Entrepreneur, Intrapreneurship in Public Organizations. Innovation and Entrepreneurship: Management Practices for Entrepreneurial People and/or Innovation Environments, Management and Public Policies for Innovation, Entrepreneurship and Micro and Small Businesses, Incentives, Barriers and Impacts of Innovation and Entrepreneurship in the Public Sector.

GT 7 Education, Training and Skills in Public Administration

Prof. Dr. Sandro Trescastro Bergue (ESAP and TCE-RS)
Prof. Dr. Adagenor Lobato Ribeiro (UFPA)
Prof. Cinthia Menezes Brunetta (ENFAM)

Government and management schools; skills, performance and development in the public service; distance education, andragogy and heutagogy in educational processes for the public sector; careers and professional education for the public sector; innovation and new technologies in the educational process; evaluation of educational processes.

GT 8 Racial Relations and Intersectionality: understanding experiences and contexts within the framework of Public Policies and Administration

Profa. Dr. Tatiana Dias Silva (UnB/IPEA)
Prof. Dr. Ana Paula Antunes Martins (UnB)
Prof. Dr. Paulo Soares Pereira (PUC-Rio and AGU)

The notion of intersectionality has been disseminated in academic studies to highlight the importance of using the categories of gender, race, ethnicity, class, generation and sexualities in analyzes of inequality. Intersectionality characterizes situations of structural inequality based on social markers of difference. The concept, as defined by Kimberlé Cremshaw, does not designate the sum of discriminations, but the persistence of intersecting power asymmetries in the geopolitics of postcolonial societies. In this way, the working group intends to receive contributions aimed at understanding the phenomenon of intersectionality in public policies and public administration, highlighting: the limits of public policies in promoting equity; the persistence of prejudice and discrimination in public services; the process of formulating public policies with an intersectional character; the activities of political groups focusing on intersectionality; the process of forming an intersectional public policy agenda; methodologies for evaluating public policies of an intersectional nature and/or from the perspective of intersectionality.

GT 9 Social control and combating Corruption in Public Administration

Profa. Dr. Suylan Midlej – PPGA/UnB
Prof. Dra Graziela Dias Oliveira – Ipol/UnB
Prof. Dr. João Mendes da Rocha Neto – MPA/PPGA and EPPGG at the Ministry of Regional Development

The debate on corruption in Brazil permeates its entire history, from its formation to the present. In recent years, with the growth in the number of scandals that gain media notoriety and impact electoral and political results, the topic of corruption has become recurrent on the political agenda, reflected in different institutional contexts. On the other hand, State control institutions are strengthened and seek to combat corruption, monitoring, investigating and even exercising sanctioning power over public agents who act against the public interest. Civil society has organized itself to exercise social control, intensifying its relationship with the Brazilian State's accountability institutions, which can make it possible to reduce or even prevent corruption. This GT intends to present and discuss research and actions that deal with participation and social control in the fight against corruption in Brazilian public administration, as well as the changes and innovations arising from measures implemented for this purpose.

GT 10 Administration of Justice and Management Challenges in the Judiciary

Profa. Dr. Luciana Silva Garcia (IDP)
Prof. Adriana Avelar (IPEA)
Prof. Thaisa Paschoal
Working Group nº 10 opens space for work focused on contemporary discussions about the policy process in the Judiciary. Research and analysis on management practices that involve the stages of formulation, implementation, monitoring and evaluation of public policies in the Justice System or that affect its functioning constitute the GT's area of ​​interest. It seeks, among other related topics, contributions related to access to justice, innovations in the Judiciary, dejudicialization initiatives, cooperation between institutions of the justice system, the role of the National Council of Justice (CNJ) in the management of processes and the improving the performance of the courts. Works that explore the relationship between the Judiciary and other constituted Powers and the consequences of this relationship on the course of public policies at the federal, state or municipal level are also welcome.

GT 11 Federalism, Regulation and Management of Social Policies in Brazil.

Prof. Dr. Antônio Sérgio Araújo Fernandes (UFBA)
Prof. Dr. Pedro Lucas de Moura Palotti (IDP/IPEA)
Prof. Dr. Suely Mara Vaz Guimarães de Araújo (IDP)

Working Group No. 11 is dedicated to discussing the challenges imposed on regulators and public managers in the face of the multiplicity of actors and institutions that make up the Brazilian federative system. Although there are significant coordination efforts between the federation's entities, many target areas suffer from problems of overlapping or indeterminacy of competences and disputes in the field of ideas and also of a political-partisan nature. This complexity of political and legal factors, in addition to regional socioeconomic differences, creates distortions in the processes of formulating and implementing public policies, which often produce results below what society expects. This GT encourages the submission of works that address these and other issues linked to the broad theme “Federalism”, with special interest in the challenges posed to state regulation, particularly in the context of intergovernmental relations and the management and coordination of social policies.

GT 12 Historical and Comparative Studies in Public Administration

Prof. Dr. Frederico Lustosa da Costa (PPGAd-UFF)
Prof. Dr. Mônica Mac-Allistar (UFBA)
Prof. Dr. Victor Corrêa (Air Force Academy)

Just over ten years ago, following the events inaugurated by the 200th anniversary of the transfer of the Portuguese Court to Rio de Janeiro, there was a revival of academic production born of historical and comparative studies in Public Administration. In fact, a series of events, articles, books and collections, some very recent, were able to convey this production and draw attention to the importance of the topic. In this EBAP, we open space for this discussion, welcoming historiographical studies on Brazilian formation, particularly the State and public administration, and other countries, especially Latin America. Important objects of discussion and analysis are: Administrative History, Memory of Public Administration, Comparative Studies. History and historiography in Public Administration. Comparative studies in Public Administration. Public Administration in Latin America. Administration for development. Public Administration in Latin America. Public Administration in an international perspective.

GT 13 - Crisis Management in Public Administration

Prof. Dr. Antonio Gasparetto Júnior (PROFIAP Network)
Prof. Dr. Iracema Campos Cusati (UPE)

From a dialogical perspective, the Working Group aims to explore studies and analyzes that address theoretical, methodological and practical concepts about public action in contexts of serious crises and emergencies. Crisis management is considered the planning and process with the perspective of anticipating problems and mitigating damage. Thus, the Working Group intends to present, stimulate and discuss research that covers the policies, programs and projects of state and non-state actors and their implications for emergency actions in Public Administration. Works from different theoretical and methodological frameworks and from different territorial and temporal perspectives will be accepted.

GT 14 - Social participation in times of crisis and its impact on Public Administration

Prof. Dr. Jones Nogueira Barros (PPAD/UNAMA)
Prof. Dr. Carmen Pineda Nebot (GIGAP)
Prof. Dr. Josevana de Lucena Rodrigues (UEA)

The pandemic caused by the Covid-19 virus brings great challenges to governments around the world, affecting the routine of public organizations and forms of social participation, driving new repertoires of public action through the use information and communication technologies (ICTs), and in particular social media. The Working Group aims to analyze old forms and new repertoires of social participation, based on practices and evidence of their impact on public administration, contributing to theoretical reflection and Brazilian public management practices that minimize public problems. The aim is to bring together works that present reflections and approach the subject from different theoretical and methodological perspectives that contribute to opening the debate on all these forms of social participation, partnerships and collaboration between society and public authorities during the Covid-19 crisis and its impacts present and future in Brazilian public administration.

GT 15 – Administrative capacity and contemporary bureaucracy

Prof. Dr. Alexandre de Avila Gomide (IDP);
Prof. Dr. Raphael Amorim Machado (IPEA);
Prof. Dr. Ana Karine Pereira (CDS/UnB).

The Working Group discusses the ability of public administration to implement policies based on the characteristics of bureaucracy (or civil service) using different theoretical and methodological approaches. The GT is open to discussions that address analytical models on the relationship between state bureaucracy and the effectiveness of public action at different national and international federative levels, focusing on topics such as: professionalization of bureaucracy, relationship between bureaucracy and society, focus of bureaucratic action on the citizen, bureaucracy's relationship with political leaders and their relationship of institutional autonomy in carrying out their functions. Studies using quantitative, qualitative and comparative data and methodological perspectives on bureaucracies and their functioning in the contemporary State are part of the scope of the GT, which seeks to strengthen the use of empirical evidence in the analysis of contemporary bureaucracy.

GT 16 - Impacts of the Covid-19 pandemic on public organizations

Profa. Dr. Alexandra Jochims Kruel; (FaCS/GHC)
Prof. Dr. Fernando Anschau (Conceição Hospital Group);
Prof. Carlos Eduardo dos Santos Sabrito (LaSalle University)

The SARS-CoV-2 (Covid-19) pandemic affected the entire world (countries, organizations, families, people), in different spheres: material, financial, behavioral, health, environmental , marketing, technological, legal, etc. In the public sphere, organizations needed to adapt to prevent and face the pandemic and its consequences. Thus, if on the one hand there was fear of the disruptions and consequences that the pandemic would bring (and it did, for many), on the other hand, forms of reinvention and innovation in organizations emerged. This GT seeks to address the effects of the Covid-19 pandemic on public organizations, beyond the health field; actions developed, results, learning and legacies. Contributions on contingency management are expected; crisis management; critical incidents; ethical, moral and behavioral aspects; post-crisis legacies; resilience; comparative and historical works, and other approaches that directly relate to this context.

GT 17 - Environmental, social and governance management practices and strategies within the scope of Public Administration

Prof. Dr. José Carlos de Jesus Lopes (PROFIAP/UFMS)
Prof. Dr. Geraldino Carneiro de Araújo (PROFIAP/UFMS)

As a context we highlight: 1) the United Nations (UN) proposed in 2015 the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), which are 17 objectives and 169 targets involving governments, the private sector and all citizens on a collective journey towards a sustainable 2030; 2) the triple bottom line, which is anchored in the environmental, social and economic pillars, has recently undergone discussions involving the concept of ESG (environmental, social and governance), in which the economic dimension, now governance, also involves the themes of ethics, compliance and transparency and the social dimension now have more visibility. In this context, some key questions arise: What are the actions of the Public Administration to develop and strengthen the SDGs and the established goals? How and what strategies can public organizations develop actions involving ESG to be more ethical, transparent, honest and responsible, with respect for people and the environment?

GT 18 - Sociology, Social Theory and Organizational Studies in Public Administration

Prof. Dr. Antonio Carlos Andrade Ribeiro (PROFIAF Network)
Prof. Dr. André Luís Ribeiro Lacerda (UFMT)
Prof. Karina Maria Abreu Cursino (UESPI)

Works by Burrell and Morgan (1979), Morgan (1980, 1986, 2011) and Burrell (2012) disclose the importance of sociological theories for organizational analysis. However, debates have gravitated towards private organizations, leaving public organizations in the background. This GT aims to discuss the contributions of sociology to the analysis of contemporary challenges posed to public organizations and their managers. The set of selected articles is intended to show how the diversity of voices in social theory can advance the research agenda on topics of interest to Public Administration. Thus, works must propose critical debates on traditional sociological theories or new theoretical approaches, as well as dialogue between rival theories, in order to generate new insights for empirical research in the Public Field. It is desirable that the analyzes of theories highlight contemporary challenges in management and public organizations.

GT 19 – State, Global Governance and Public Administration

Prof. Dr. Rômulo Carvalho Cristaldo (PROFIAF Network)
Prof. Dr. Thiago Chagas Silva Santos (IFBA)
Prof. Dr. Paulo Éverton Mota Simões (UFAL)

The proposal of this Working Group is to offer a space for debate for researchers whose interests are located in the interfaces, dialogues and convergences between Public Administration and international studies. It is based on the premise that, on a global level, phenomena and processes that interfere in public administration, public policies, perception of sustainability, management for development, among others, flourish. It is increasingly perceived that the patterns and dynamics of State management are in dialogue with, or emerge as extensions and/or reactions in relation to, cross-border, supranational and global processes. Thus, the aim is to concentrate work that addresses topics such as (i) supra, inter or multinational organizations, (ii) international cooperation for development and public policies, (iii) global governance, (iv) internationalization and the capitalist world system, ( v) global production chains, (viii) company geopolitics, among others.

GT 20 - Governance, risks and integrity in public administration

Prof. Dr. António João Maia. University of Lisbon (ULisboa)
Prof. Dr. Clóvis Alberto Vieira de Melo. Federal University of Campina Grande (UFCG)
Prof. Dr. James Batista Vieira. Federal University of Paraíba (UFPB)

The GT discusses articles and technical reports that deal with the governance mechanisms of public organizations. The group has a multidisciplinary character and accepts approaches from Administration, Law, Economics and Political Science. The GT is open to debates on corporate governance practices that aim to generate value, promote transparency, accountability and integrity. The objects of analysis are: risk management programs, integrity programs, ethics and integrity in public management, audit and control systems, in addition to other corporate governance practices, legal frameworks (national and international) and experiences local, national and international. It covers analyzes of the Public Governance Decree (Decree No. 9,203/17), the State Law (Law No. 13,303/16), the Public Efficiency Law (No. 14,129/21), the new Tender Law (Law No. 14,133/ 21) and normative frameworks, such as the recommendations of the Portuguese Corruption Prevention Council.

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