Doctor in Economics.
Chief Economist at CADE
He has a PhD in regional economics from the London School of Economics and Political Science (LSE) and a master's degree in economics from the Federal University of Minas Gerais-UFMG. He has degrees in economics, law and business administration. He has been a public researcher at the Institute for Applied Economic Research (IPEA) since 2004. Since 2016, he has been chief economist at the Administrative Council for the Defense of Competition (CADE). Since 2019, he has been a professor in the Masters of Economics at the Brazilian Institute of Public Law (IDP). He has experience in the area of quantitative methods, competitive economics, evaluation of public policies and regional and urban development, having published several works in national and international academic journals. He was the winner of several national and international awards, including the 2015 INFI-FEBRABAN Banking Economics Award, the 2015 BNB Regional Economy Award, the 2015 SBE Finance Award (2nd place), the 2011 Paulo Haddad Award from the Brazilian Association of Studies Regional and Urban and the Epainos Prize 2009 from the European Regional Science Association (ERSA). He has more than 80 works published in Brazil and abroad.
Courses he teaches:
Bachelor's Degree Economics, Professional Master's Degree in Economics, Public Policy and Development
Featured works:
LIMA, RCA; RESENDE, GUILHERME M. Using the Moran's I to detect bid rigging in Brazilian procurement auctions. The Annals of Regional Science, vol. 1, p. 1-20, 2020. Access:
OLIVEIRA, GR; RESENDE, GM; DA SILVA, DFC; GONÇALVES, CN Micro-impacts of the Brazilian Regional Development Funds: Does lending size matter? Review of Development Economics, vol. 23, p. 293-313, 2019. Access: