Leany Barreiro de Sousa Lemos
PhD in Comparative Studies of the Americas with Post-Doctorate at the University of Oxford and University of Princeton.
Former President of the Regional Development Bank of the Far South (BRDE). He is currently Lemann Fellow Of Practice, Blavatnik School Of Government at the University of Oxford.
Post-doctorate in Political Science from the Universities of Oxford and Princeton (Oxford-Princeton Global Leader Fellow, 2009-2011). PhD in Comparative Studies of the Americas (2005) and Master in Political Science (1998), both titles from the University of Brasília (UnB). She was Secretary of State for Planning, Budget and Management of the Federal District (2015-2018) and Rio Grande do Sul (2019-2020), where she also coordinated the Data Committee to Combat COVID19. She was Director of Operations and President of the Development Bank of the Far South (BRDE) (2020-2022) and Lemann Fellow of Practice 2022, at the Blavatnik School of Government, University of Oxford. She is currently National Secretary for Planning at the Ministry of Planning and Budget.
Courses he teaches:
Executive MBA Public Sector Leaders, Professional Master's Degree in Public Administration
Featured works:
ARAÚJO, GRICE BARBOSA PINTO DE ; LEMOS, LEANY BARREIRO DE SOUSA . Public Procurement Management: a Case Study of the Federal District Purchasing Center. THEORY AND PRACTICE IN ADMINISTRATION, v. 10, p. 124-137, 2020.
RENNO, L.; LEMOS, Leany ; Power, Timothy. Supervision, Control and Monitoring in Brazil. In: Rodrigo Velazquez. (Org.). Legislative Supervision of Executive Power in Latin America. 1st edition. Mexico City: CIDE and Fondo de Cultura Económica, 2018, v. , p. 25-55.
LEMOS, Leany and RIBEIRO, Renato Brown. The Federal District and the Crisis of the Decade - the anamnesis of the platypus. IN: The Destiny of Brazilian States – Leadership, Fiscal Responsibility and Public Policies. (org). GIAMBIAGI, Fabio. TINOCO, Guilherme. DIAS, Victor Pina. Lux, São Paulo, 2021