We study common competencies (art. 23 CF 88) with a focus on the federative repercussion in decision-making processes related to public policies, in the Legislative and Executive branches, which reflects on the Union's interaction with state and municipal governments. There are three lines of work: Environmental Policy and Legislation; Social Policies and Legislation and; Public Finances.
The Research Group was created in 2019, by Professor Suely Araújo, with the launch of the “Book on Intramunicipal Decentralization in Brazil” as a milestone.
The Brazilian Federal Constitution, in its art. 23, establishes common competencies at the three levels of the federation that involve public policies in the areas of health, education, environment, housing, sanitation and others, as well as the distribution of fiscal responsibilities that require federative articulation (arts. 145 et seq.). The proposal is, from this perspective, to revisit the federative issue, analyzing the decision-making, financial-budgetary and execution process of public policies under common competence.
We hold virtual meetings in order to design research, hold discussions about Federalism literature and guide students. We have already participated in Congresses and published articles in this regard.
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