The IDP aims to make knowledge an instrument for transforming society, institutions and the Rule of Law. With this in mind, the Institute created study and research centers that produce reflections, events and work guided by the practical focus of knowledge and oriented towards an applied academic axis. The IDP Center for Law, Internet and Society (CEDIS) is a research center that seeks to contribute to the consolidation of fundamental rights in the virtual environment, through mechanisms that promote privacy and protection of personal data, freedom of expression and stimulate competition and innovation.
Webinar “Constitution, Democracy and Fundamental Rights: the proposals for digital constitutionalism”
Invitation Launch of the book “Money Laundering – with jurisprudence from the STF and STJ”
Victor Oliveira Fernandes
PhD in Law and Advisor to the Administrative Council for Economic Defense - Cade
A partnership between CEDIS and CIPL
The IDP Center for Law, Internet and Society (CEDIS-IDP) and the Center for Information Policy Leadership (CIPL) created the “Effective LGPD 2021” project, the result of the partnership that began in 2015 between the two institutions. The project aims to promote the implementation of the LGPD, dialogue between stakeholders, multisectoral debate on the effectiveness of regulation and the construction of good private governance practices in the area of data protection. It is also important to consolidate dogmatic interpretations of the new law and explore international experiences on the topic. To this end, in 2021, in addition to the publication of 4 (four) new white papers, 7 (seven) events are planned within the scope of this project.
Conceived by Professors Laura Schertel Mendes, Danilo Doneda (In memoriam) and judge Bráulio Gusmão, since 2021 the central theme of Privacy Lab has been the analysis of the Jurisprudence of Brazilian Courts in the Application of the LGPD. The LGPD Panel in the Courts is currently in its 3rd edition, developed in collaboration with Jusbrasil, supported by UNDP Brazil, and with the participation of dozens of researchers. The latest edition of Privacy Lab was coordinated by Professor Bianca Kremer and researcher Tayná Frota de Araújo. In this edition, the 1st edition of the Thematic Report LGPD in the Courts was published, with the scientific coordination of Professors Laura Schertel Mendes and Mônica Fujimoto.
Thematic Dossier – “Artificial Intelligence, Ethics and Epistemology” and Thematic Dossier “Privacy and Protection of Personal Data in Public Security and Criminal Procedure”
Lines of research
Data from research lines linked to the Center for Law, Internet and Society – CEDIS