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The IDP Professional Master's Program in Public Administration (MPAP/IDP) systematically encourages and monitors the obtaining of external financing for research projects coordinated or with the participation of the NDP with institutions (public and private) and funding agencies.

It is noted that each permanent professor of the Program leads a research project with the participation of students, graduates and participants outside the IDP. Several research activities developed within the scope of these Master's projects have external funding from public bodies or private sector entities, which highlights two important aspects that the Program seeks to solidify:

i) the formation and consolidation of a diverse internal research network, made up of teachers and students; and,

ii) the trust that institutions, whether public or private, have in the IDP Professional Master's Program in Public Administration

The Program understands that this is one of the indicators of its institutional credibility and reputation, which, although established recently, already contributes significantly to the training of human resources for the production of knowledge in the area of ​​Brazilian public administration.

In the 2017-2020 four-year period, for example, if we consider external funding, the proportion of the NDP with funded research projects was 70%. It is important to highlight that these financings are in line with the proposal and modality of the Master's degree and benefit our teachers and students, in addition to contributing to the insertion of the PPG in broader research networks.

For illustrative purposes, some research projects with external funding are presented below, specifying the funding agencies that granted the respective financial grants in the four-year period (2017-2020):

- Prof. Dr. Alexander Cambraia: research project (Monitoring and Evaluation of Social Protection Programs) – Funding: UNDP Agency (United Nations Development Programme);

- Prof. Dr. Alexandre Gomide: research project (Infrastructure Policy Governance: institutional conditions for investment) - Funding: Inter-American Development Bank (IDB) / Institute of Applied Economic Research (IPEA);

- Prof. Dr. Caio Resende: research project (Evaluation of public educational policies: practical cases of education in Brazil) - Funding: Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Distrito Federal (FAP-DF);

- Prof. Dr. Fernando Meneguin: research project (Evaluation of Public Policies - New FIES: An Assessment of the Evolution of the Program in Brazil) – Funding: Federal District Research Support Foundation (FAP-DF);

- Prof. Dr. Grace Garbaccio: research project (Best legal practices for mining projects and their social acceptance) – Funding: Université Laval; École Normale Supérieure de Rennes; Fondation Maison des Sciences de l'Homme de Paris;

- Prof. Dr. Humberto Falcão: research project (Results-oriented public governance) - Funding: London School of Economics (LSE);

- Prof. Dr. Luciana Garcia: research project (Children and prison: effects of the prison system on early childhood development) – Funding: Organization of Ibero-American States for Education, Science and Culture (OEI);

- Prof. Dr. Luís Paiva: research project (Can Social Protection be an Engine for Inclusive Growth?) – Funding: European Union / Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD);

- Prof. Dr. Luiz Ricardo Cavalcante: research project (Competition and Innovation) – Funding: Institute of Applied Economic Research (IPEA);

- Prof. Dr. Pedro Cavalcante: research project (Government Center) – Funding: Institute of Applied Economic Research (IPEA);

- Prof. Dr. Pedro Palotti: research project (State Modernization: mapping the concepts and practices of state modernization with Ministers and Executive Secretaries of the Federal Public Administration) – Funding: National School of Public Administration (ENAP);

- Prof. Dr. Suely Araújo: research project (Federal conflicts in the fight against Covid-19: the actions of state governments) - Funding: Brazilian Institute of Education, Development and Research (IDP).

In total external financial subsidies, it appears that the financing comes from 19 different development institutions, public and private, as well as national and international, which included 23 NDP researches from the Program. Below is the list of institutions financing the program:

- UNDP (United Nations Development Programme);

- IDB (Inter-American Development Bank);

- ABRAPP (Brazilian Association of Closed Supplementary Pension Entities);

- IPEA (Institute for Applied Economic Research);

- CNPq (National Council for Scientific and Technological Development);

- FAP-DF (Federal District Research Support Foundation);

- FGV (Fundação Getúlio Vargas);

- OEI (Organization of Ibero-American States for Education, Science and Culture);

- OECD (Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development);

- ENAP (National School of Public Administration);

- IBRD (International Bank for Reconstruction and Development);

- LSE (London School of Economics);

-Stanford University;

- Université Laval;

- École Normale Supérieure de Rennes;

- IDP (Brazilian Institute of Education, Development and Research);

- Fondation Maison des Sciences de l'Homme de Paris;

- SEBRAE (Brazilian Support Service for Micro and Small Businesses);

- SENAT (National Transport Learning Service).


The IDP Professional Master's Program in Public Administration (MPAP/IDP) implemented in September 2019 the Institutional Researchers Center (NPI), which currently has two (2) PhD researchers, aiming to offer advice, assistance and support to teachers permanent members of the program, as well as for students and graduates with regard to intellectual production. The work of these institutional researchers comprises the following responsibilities:

- Review of articles, presenting criticisms and suggestions for improvements to the texts;

- Recommendation of scientific journals for article submission (the team of researchers created a database mapping the evaluation deadlines of the main journals in the area; the recommendations have prioritized journals that are well ranked in Qualis, but with shorter evaluation deadlines for submitted papers );

- Formatting of articles according to the guidelines for journal authors;

- Assistance in submitting articles to journals;

- Review of the form of dissertations to ensure that all requirements of the Brazilian Association of Technical Standards (ABNT) are met;

- Individualized assistance to students in the 1st and 2nd semester of the program who are studying the Research Methodology discipline (these services aim to offer students the opportunity to resolve doubts and receive assistance to better define their research problems and operational and/or methodological procedures of their research, as well as support in the construction of their projects that will be presented in the qualification);

- Review of articles sent to the PPG technical magazine “Debates em Administração Pública” (

As preliminary results of this work, the following can be highlighted:

- More than 50 articles submitted to journals, approximately 40 of which were co-authored with professors from the program;

- Around 35 articles published, more than 10 published in stratum A of Qualis/Capes and co-authored by students and teachers;

- Assistance in more than 50 paper submissions to academic events. By way of illustration, the NPI assisted in reviewing and criticizing the articles, as well as advising students and graduates of the program in submitting papers for the following scientific events:

* 7th and 8th edition of the Brazilian Administration Meeting (EBAP), respectively in 2020 and 2021;

* Congress of the Latin American Studies Association (LASA, 2021 and 2022);

* 10th and 11th IDP Public Administration Seminar (2020 and 2021), and others;

- Two short courses on quantitative methodology and one on qualitative methodology offered free of charge to students and the external community;

- Two workshops taught on literature review and ABNT formatting standards.

The implementation of the NPI was carried out in the wake of a set of PPG actions specifically aimed at the qualified production of teachers, students and program graduates. In addition to biannual monitoring of teaching research and publications, the program created several research support mechanisms, the four main ones being: i) financial incentives for publications in well-qualified journals; ii) financing for the presentation of works at national and international congresses; iii) hiring research assistants to work under the guidance of NDP professors. All these measures yielded results. After four years, 100% of IDP's permanent professors have produced highly qualified articles or technical products that converge with the proposal for a cutting-edge public administration program.