13th privacy and personal data protection seminar

The Privacy and Personal Data Protection Seminar, organized by the Brazilian Internet Steering Committee (CGI.br) and the Ponto BR Information and Coordination Center (NIC.br), returns to its in-person format in its 13th edition. Considered one of the most important events on the topic in the country, the Seminar will be held on August 17th and 18th, 2022, at the Frei Caneca Convention Center (inside the Frei Caneca shopping mall), in São Paulo. To participate, you must register for free at https://seminarioprivacidade.cgi.br/ . The event will also be broadcast on the NIC.br YouTube channel.
The IDP Center for Law, Internet and Society (CEDIS) is one of the partners in organizing the event. Cedis is a research center that seeks to contribute to the consolidation of fundamental rights in the virtual environment, through mechanisms that promote privacy and protection of personal data, freedom of expression and stimulate competition and innovation,
“The Seminar is not only the most traditional and longest-running privacy and data protection event in Brazil, but it is the space par excellence in which new trends and technical and regulatory debates on this topic are brought with primacy and authority. After Cedis members have participated in all editions of the event so far, it is with joy and honor that the Center now becomes a partner in holding the Seminar”, comments Danilo Doneda, director of Cedis/IDP.