51st Edition of the IDP Virtual Caderno magazine
This edition of Caderno Virtual (CV) magazine - official publication of the Brazilian Institute of Education, Development and Research (IDP) - brings to its readers a set of articles produced by academics who are part of national undergraduate, postgraduate, master's and doctorate, approved by the double blind review system with the theme: “System of precedents and the coherence of law: in search of legal certainty”. The 51st edition of Caderno Virtual, the second edition of 2021, once again counts on the valuable contribution of research produced by professors from the Brasiliense Association of Civil Procedural Law – APBC with the aim of reflecting the main themes debated within the scope of contemporary Civil Procedure. Next, the edition features academic articles produced by professors and students from the School of Law and Public Administration – EDAP, as well as works produced by authors, professors and students, members of other national postgraduate, master's and doctoral programs, approved by the double blind review system.
Access the 51st Edition of the IDP Virtual Caderno magazine by clicking HERE