Master's professor in Public Administration, Alexandre de Ávila Gomide, launches book
The book explores the challenges of governance in the infrastructure sector, investigating the institutional, political and administrative constraints of investment in large-scale projects. The increase in investment in the sector is one of the public policy consensuses in Brazil, since projects in this area imply gains in productivity and economic competitiveness, at the same time as they produce public goods and services demanded by society. The recent period in Brazil was marked by government actions in this regard, through various investment plans, programs and projects. However, these efforts presented results below expectations, with the execution of the project portfolio being accompanied by difficulties in the implementation of projects, both by the public and private sectors, resulting in schedule delays, budget additions and poorly calculated socio-environmental impacts. To better understand the obstacles to implementing infrastructure investment in Brazil, Ipea carried out, in partnership with professors from Brazilian and foreign universities, a research project that gave rise to a series of products, collected in this volume. This work presents analyzes on various aspects of the governance of infrastructure policy in contemporary Brazil, exploring issues related to the characteristics of investment and financing in the sector; conflicts between state bureaucracies and civil society; transaction costs related to the implementation of public-private partnerships; and institutional innovations arising from the implementation of the Growth Acceleration Program (PAC). It also brings together case studies relating to the implementation of large projects that made up the PAC's investment portfolio. Thus, it was possible to empirically verify the relevance of institutional factors that condition the execution of investments in Brazil. The analyzes have an interdisciplinary nature, activating and combining concepts and approaches from varied disciplinary fields. It is hoped that the material presented in this book can contribute to institutional improvement and improved project management in a critical area for the country's development, in addition to supporting academic debates on public infrastructure policies.
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