IX Stricto Sensu Postgraduate Meeting in Criminal Sciences (IBRASPP 2020)

In the week of 19 to 23/10, the IX Stricto Sensu Postgraduate Meeting in Criminal Sciences will take place, promoted by IBRASPP in partnership with IDP.
The event is a meeting for debates on new trends and practices in criminal proceedings, with renowned authors in Brazil and around the world, based on discussions on recently published articles.
Registrants will receive the articles in PDF for further reading.
Prof. Dr. Fauzi Choukr (FACAMP/SP)
Prof. Dr. Flaviane Barros (PUCMinas and UFOP/MG)
Prof. Dr. Vinicius Vasconcellos (IDP/DF and UEG/GO)
Prof. Dr. André Maya (FMP/RS)
Prof. Me. Daniela Elbeirg (PUCRS)
Prof. M. Carolina Stein
More information and registration on the event website.