Blockchain and LGPD: The need for governance

“We must ask not only how to regulate it, but how it can contribute to improving the markets in which it is used.”
This article opens a series of three publications. They analyze the impacts of blockchain technology on different areas of law, especially in relation to the General Personal Data Law (LGPD) . In this first article, the relationship between this new technology and law in general was analyzed, in order to verify any existing problems and the need for regulation of the matter.
Blockchain and LGPD: The different applications in law
“The potential uses of blockchains are multiple, ranging from smart contracts to the Internet of Things”
In this second article in the series on blockchain, law and personal data protection , the potential of this technology's relationship with various legal areas was verified, pointing out its advantages and disadvantages and identifying the risks and benefits of its adoption. Next, it is analyzed how blockchain applies to several specific sectors, such as securities, smart contracts, cybersecurity, medicine, logistics, real estate records and the Internet of Things (IoT).
Blockchain and LGPD: Tension points
“Despite its potential, technology presents challenges for legal data protection systems”
In this last article in the series on law and blockchain , the relationship between blockchain and the protection of personal data was examined, verifying the points of tension between this law and technology, and we will delve deeper into the problem of identifying and distributing responsibility between treatment agents in the use of blockchain.
Meet the authors:
ALEXANDRE SANKIEVICZ – Researcher at IDP-CEDIS. Legislative consultant to the Chamber of Deputies. Master in constitutional law. Fulbright Fellow at American University
GUILHERME PEREIRA PINHEIRO – Professor of the master’s degree in law at IDP-DF. PhD in Law from the University of Brasília (UnB). Master in comparative law from Columbia University, New York (LL.M). Master in law from Uniceub. Post-doctorate in law and democracy from the University of Coimbra (Ius Gentium Conimbrigae). Former advisor to minister of the Federal Supreme Court (STF). Legislative consultant at the Chamber of Deputies and lawyer