Anyone who lives in the Federal Capital has certainly heard of Pizzeria Dom Bosco and its famous pizza with mozzarella and tomato sauce. Considered as one of the main symbols of Brasília's gastronomy, the pizzeria has existed in Brasília for more than 50 years.
In episode #26 of Empreenda BSB, the founder of Pizzeria Dom Bosco, Enildo Veríssimo, tells a little about the history of the pizzeria and shares how his venture began.
Enildo arrived in the Capital with the same dream as many other candangos: to make money. Brasília, at the time, was known as “Eldorado”, as people believed that the city would be an excellent opportunity to start projects or get new jobs, says the businessman.
In the conversation with Veríssimo, the businessman says that when he arrived in the city there was only one pizzeria with a traditional format of tables and chairs. Therefore, Enildo saw an opportunity to offer a different service to the workers who were building Brasília at that time. With the need for quick and practical food, the businessman began offering the sale of pizza slices and not whole pizzas served at tables, as usual. Enildo's idea is for people to order a slice of pizza at the counter and eat standing up, making the meal quicker for workers. This is how the pizzeria's flagship product was created, the double pizza, which is nothing more than two slices of pizza on top of the other and which also makes it easier for its customers to eat.

Although the slice of pizza is the main sale at Pizzeria Dom Bosco, Enildo has other options on his menu, such as savory snacks, sweets and juices, which are well recognized and requested by customers.
Throughout the interview, Veríssimo stressed that the biggest differentiator of his business, and of all others, is the quality of everything it offers. In the case of Pizzeria Dom Bosco, the owner guarantees that he makes a point of always using the best ingredients to guarantee the quality of his products.
From micro to reference
The owner of Pizzeria Dom Bosco was honored in the documentary “Brasília and its pioneers”, highlighting big names in Brasília's entrepreneurship who, today, are recognized as pioneers in reference businesses. Never imagining that his small enterprise would become a symbol in the city's history, Pizzeria Dom Bosco today has 5 units spread throughout the Federal District.
All of its units started in regions that did not have much movement and this choice was always on purpose. Enildo says that he believes that when a region expands, the businesses present there end up expanding along with it.
The biggest difficulties along the way
There is no shortage of stories of overcoming for Mr. Enildo to tell during his entrepreneurial process. One of the biggest overcomings was the financial crisis he faced in 1971. His business was still in its infancy and did not have much profit, but, with the help of friends who believed in his potential and with some other investments, he managed to overcome that moment. so difficult. Veríssimo believes that no entrepreneur can achieve success alone and, therefore, is always very grateful for the trust and encouragement of close friends.
Currently, due to the COVID-19 pandemic, Pizzeria Dom Bosco needed to readapt. Therefore, for the first time, they are present on delivery apps and have further diversified their menu, providing pizza delivery in various sizes and not just slices.
Next steps
Later this year, Pizzeria Dom Bosco will open a new store. This time, you will disembark at Juscelino Kubitscheck Airport, as a gateway to the city. Everyone who arrives in Brasília will have the opportunity to visit one of the most traditional pizzerias in the Federal Capital.
Tips for those who want to undertake
Enildo believes that people who want to open a business need a lot of dedication and, more than that, they need to really enjoy what they do.
The owner of Pizzeria Dom Bosco believes that studying his business area and management are also essential for the world of entrepreneurship. All of its employees receive incentives to take improvement courses.
“If you want to start a business, study and take courses. Don't go just because you have money to invest, because it won't work.”, comments Enildo Veríssimo.

Enildo believes that with advanced technology, it is extremely necessary to improve and stay up to date with changes so that you can keep up with the market.
Another point highlighted by the businessman is the importance of knowing how to carry out all the activities of your business and not leaving it concentrated on just one person, as problems can happen every day, such as the absence of an employee, for example, and, with the holistic knowledge of the business, it becomes easier to resolve any unforeseen events.
To listen to the full episode of the Empreenda BSB podcast, click here or access the main podcast platforms.