Today, when we talk about leadership, we no longer talk about the view that to be a leader it is necessary to be authoritarian, seriously, that a leader is someone to whom we must blindly obey, whatever the cost.
We are in a constant evolution of relationships between people and, every day, to be a good leader it is necessary to inspire people and, in most cases, inspire through attitudes and not just through words.
In more technical terms, leadership is an ability, which can be innate or acquired (yes, with study and practice you can become a leader!), of inspiring other people, influencing actions, decisions and behaviors in a positive way.
“Leadership is not about titles, positions or hierarchies. It is about one life that influences another”, said John C. Maxwell. Today, a good leader is characterized by a person who achieves their goals and objectives in a light and effective way, with active listening, concern for the mental health of their team and who really prepares to have this position.
Types of Leadership
There are several types of leadership and each person has their own way of leading. It is important to understand a little about each profile so you know how to deal with each one.
Furthermore, it helps you to self-criticize your way of leading and work on your points to be developed and enhance your best.
Below we have separated some types of leadership: what is yours or your manager’s?
Democratic Leadership
A democratic leader is one who works closely with his team, being very accessible. He listens to other opinions before making certain decisions and believes in the development of others and the company.
Regardless of the mistakes that may happen along the way, the democratic leader is not the type of person who will look for the collaborators who committed to punish, but will find solutions to fix what was done so that it does not happen again.
This type of leader values good relationships with everyone, making the workplace more pleasant, which consequently increases the team's productivity.
Technical Leadership
He is also a very inspiring leader, but, unlike the leader above, he inspires through his in-depth technical knowledge. This person shows everyone that they really know how to do things and can find good solutions to problems that may arise.
The technical leader is always up to date, keeping an eye on trends, which increases his vision of everything he does. He is that person who inspires through what he does and people follow him through his good example.
Liberal Leadership
The liberal leader is kind of on the fence, you know? He often ends up not being respected by the team, he doesn't commit much, he is afraid of making more complex or controversial decisions, even if in a light and democratic way.
This type of leader ends up dumping things in the lap of his team and is very non-participative. In this scenario, the team acts very independently and, generally, in a disorganized manner, due to a lack of guidance, which can impact productivity.
Charismatic Leadership
A charismatic leader is one who can win people over in a profound way, without much effort, after all, charisma is a somewhat inexplicable characteristic.
Many people are born with this, but it is not impossible to obtain charisma with time and dedication. The charismatic leader always has the team with him, making it strong and well aligned.
Situational Leadership
The situational leader acts according to what each situation requires. He varies his actions in order to achieve the best results.
Another strong characteristic is that this leader is able to treat each team member according to their peculiarities, respecting technical capabilities and personal motivations.
360 degree leadership
This leader is capable of influencing not only the direct team that works with him, but all the company's employees. He is a very empathetic person who inspires others, always putting himself in someone else's shoes, regardless of what position he holds or what area he is allocated.
Thinking about helping you further develop your leadership potential, we have selected below some free, online and certified mini-courses offered by IDP!
Leader and HR 4.0 - how to design and influence a hybrid culture
People Analytics - designing the future of people management