These are all government plans and actions that guarantee rights to citizens and improve society. It is through public policies that the government serves the Brazilian population, investing in the most diverse areas, throughout the country. Whatever the government's decision, it will be a public policy that will make it a reality.
Discover our articles on Public Policies
To govern. Public policies can be aimed at all fields of government activity, such as health, education, economy, security, environment, transport and justice. It will be through a public policy that the government will allocate funds to build a bridge, to renovate a hospital, to improve the distribution of electricity or to guarantee worker rights. Public policies serve the people and are extremely important for Brazil.
To improve. As citizens, we have a lot to gain by studying public policies and discovering which ones are more efficient, which are generating more effects and which are affecting the lives of more people. It is no surprise that scientists from all over the world dedicate their lives to analyzing public policies and their results, generating important knowledge to improve everything the government does for the population.
It is by studying public policies that researchers and scientists help society and governments make better decisions. And they help a lot. For example, Brazilian researchers demonstrated that public audits facilitate the fight against corruption (read article) . Other authors have proven that investing in family health reduces child mortality (read article) . Other scientists have shown that the electronic ballot box increased the representation of votes in Brazil (read article) .
Audits help fight corruption in Brazil
What is the impact of the family health program on the infant mortality rate?
What are the impacts of adopting electronic voting machines in Brazil
Practically all public policies are studied several times and in various situations, whether during their creation, throughout their implementation or based on their results. Ideally, science should be the basis for all stages of public policy, especially to help society understand its benefits and harms.
To facilitate access to scientific knowledge about public policies, in Brazil and around the world. The main objective of the Laboratory for Evaluation and Innovation in Public Policies (LAIPP) is to provide a free, digital platform in which relevant scientific studies are selected, summarized and simplified to disseminate as much as possible the discoveries of its researchers, as public policies affect every aspect of society and can be improved with knowledge.
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