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Caio Cordeiro de Resende

Executive Director

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Mathias Schneid Tessmann

Executive Coordinator

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Roberta Teodoro Santos

Executive Coordinator  

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Angelo Cruz do Nascimento Varella

Associate Researcher

Master's student in Administration at the Federal University of Goiás (FACE/UFG)

Linkedin CV

Eduarda Miller de Figueiredo

Associate Researcher

Master's student in Applied Economics at the Federal University of Pelotas (PPGOM/UFPel)

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Silvio da Rosa Paula

Associate Researcher

PhD student in Applied Economics at the Federal University of Pelotas (PPGOM / UFPel)

Linkedin CV

Viviane Pires Ribeiro

Associate Researcher

Master in Applied Economics from the Federal University of Goiás (FACE/UFG)

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Adriano Valladão Pires Ribeiro

Associate Researcher

Master in Applied Economics from the University of Brasília (FACE/UnB)

Linkedin CV

Pedro Jorge Holanda Alves

Associate Researcher

Master in Economics from the Federal University of Paraíba.

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SGAS Block 607 . Module 49 . Via L2 Sul - Brasília-DF - CEP 70200-670

(61) 3535.6565

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