Call for Articles for the Thematic Dossier “Privacy and Protection of Personal Data in Public Security and Criminal Procedure”
The call for articles is now open for the Thematic Dossier "Privacy and Protection of Personal Data in Public Security and Criminal Procedure" of the IDP Public Law Magazine, coordinated by our researchers together with professors Laura Schertel Mendes and Jacqueline Abreu.
The dossier is part of the activities of CEDIS/IDP and seeks to contribute to the theoretical debate about the legal limits and the regulatory model relevant to practices that are invasive of privacy and/or based on the processing of personal data employed in the context of state activities aimed at public security and criminal investigations.
Its objective is to foster both lines of debate through the publication of cutting-edge national and international multidisciplinary research on the impact and preservation of privacy and personal data protection in the face of investigative techniques and public security policies. Works that propose empirical, epistemological, theoretical and regulatory approaches to these practices and their impact on fundamental rights will be accepted.
Topics of interest include, but are not limited to:
- Historical approaches to the regulation of privacy and data protection in the administrative context of public security and in the criminal and criminal procedural context;
- Regulatory strategies and models;
- What specific Brazilian legislation on data protection in public security and criminal proceedings should be like;
- What types of investigative measures constitute violations of privacy and what limits this right imposes on such techniques, in terms of formal and material requirements to be carried out;
- The impact of the use of big data, facial recognition, and other new technologies based on the use of personal data in policing and criminal proceedings;
- The doctrines applied by Brazilian jurisprudence in matters of privacy and personal data in the field of criminal proceedings and public security and their virtues, deficiencies and real consequences;
- Informal practices of data use by law enforcement authorities (such as “suspect books”) and their legality and practical consequences and legal responses;
- The role of the use of personal data in new forms of police discretion;
- Data sharing between authorities with different competencies (public security x criminal investigation);
- How problems in protecting privacy and personal data that already exist in the context of public security and criminal proceedings are amplified or mitigated by the use of new technologies;
- Constitutionality and Regulation of databases on genetic material;
- Limits of public-private partnerships and regulatory addressing;
- New gears that threaten or protect the presumption of innocence and due legal process in the context of interest.
Revista Direito Público (RDP) is the official journal of the Stricto Sensu Postgraduate Program in Law at the Instituto Brasiliense de Direito Público (IDP). It is currently classified under Qualis A1 (Capes). It publishes articles in Portuguese, English, Spanish and Italian.
The deadline for submitting articles is September 30, 2021
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