Call for Articles for the Working Group – IX LISBON LEGAL FORUM
The working group (GT) of the IX LEGAL FORUM OF LISBOA is carried out by the
Brasília School of Law and Administration of the Brazilian Institute of Education, Development and
Research - /IDP and the Faculty of Law of the University of Lisbon and aims to integrate and publicize
the lines of research and work developed in master's and doctoral programs in
Brazil and Lisbon, opening an important space for the dissemination and debate of
academic production.
The 9th Edition of the LISBON LEGAL FORUM, whose theme is “Political Systems and
Crisis Management”, will take place in Lisbon from 15 to 17 November 2021 at the
Faculty of Law of the University of Lisbon. The Event will take place in a hybrid format, in person and online.
The event will feature a working group (GT) to present the selected articles,
which will be led by Professor Dr. João Paulo Bachur, Coordinator of the
Master's/Doctorate Program in Law at IDP.
Articles will be received from 09/01/2021 to 10/03/2021 through the system
https://portalgt.idp.edu.br/ixforumjuridicolisboa/index and evaluated using the double
blind review method, which allows for anonymous analysis of articles, ensuring the impartiality of the
evaluation. The method also requires the examination of the article by two or more evaluators, which guarantees
the reduction of subjectivity and ideological preferences.
For more information, access the Notice by clicking HERE