Candidates in the Prouni Waiting List stage will be able to submit documents for analysis electronically
The Ministry of Education requested the adoption of measures for the electronic receipt of documents from candidates classified for the Waiting List in the 2020.1 selection process of Prouni (University for All Program) by institutions that opted to replace face-to-face activities with remote activities . In the Federal District, face-to-face activities of educational institutions have been suspended since March 13, 2020 due to the set of efforts to combat coronavirus (covi-19).
Therefore, candidates selected on the Waiting List in the selection of the School of Law and Public Administration of IDP - EDAP who have not yet done so, will be able to send the documentation for analysis until May 21st using the button below :
Institutions have until May 24th to analyze documents, register and issue the scholarship term.
As for other candidates in this stage who have already submitted their documentation, enrollment will be carried out and admission will be reserved for the 2020.1 semester, in accordance with program legislation.
The measure was published on May 13, 2020, through the Extract of Notice nº 27 Prouni 2020.1, which provides for the deadline for the Waiting List selection process, originally foreseen in the SERES/MEC Notice nº 71/2019, as well as the other dates of the University for All Program Selection Process in 2020.1.
COLAP - Local Commission for Monitoring and Social Control of PROUNI - from EDAP requests, based on the possibility that the institution may request other documents it may deem necessary to prove the information provided by the candidate, referring to the candidate himself or members of the family group, requests that, in the case of families that have members over 18 (eighteen) years of age and that do not have any form of income in accordance with those provided for by PROUNI, complete the Declaration of Non-existence of Activity Paid.
If the candidate does not have a structure for printing or digital signature, the declaration can be written by hand according to the template and can be sent in good resolution via photo in jpg format or pdf file.
All documents must be sent with resolution, light and image framing that allows analysis of the information through a photo in jpg format or pdf file. It is worth remembering that the documentation does not need to be authenticated by a notary and, when returning from in-person activities, the presentation of the original documents will be requested by COLAP.
COLAP may request that candidates, in accordance with the order of classification, present missing or complementary items to the analysis of the candidate or their family group.
Income is calculated by adding the gross monthly income of the members of the family group and dividing the total by the number of people who make up the group. If the result is up to one and a half minimum wages, the student can apply for a full scholarship. If the result is greater than one and a half minimum wages, but less than or equal to three minimum wages, the student can compete for a partial scholarship of 50%.
A family group is understood as a nuclear unit made up of one or more people, eventually expanded by other people who contribute to the income or have expenses met by that family unit, all living in the same household.
COLAP will confirm receipt of the candidate's documents and information, will be available to them and will inform those selected by email at colap@idp.edu.br .
PROUNI Local Monitoring and Social Control Committee of the IDP School of Law and Public Administration (EDAP)