CIPL and CEDIS-IDP launch article on the 12 Priorities for Adapting to the LGPD

As a result of six months of work with contributions from more than 20 privacy
and data protection experts around the world, the Center for Information Policy Leadership (CIPL) and the
Center for Law, Internet and Society of the Brazilian Institute of Public Law (Cedis -Idp)
release their newest article on "Top Priorities for Public and Private Organizations to
Effectivel Implement the New Brazilian Date Protection Law (LGPD)".
With this article, CIPL and CEDIS-IDP hope to provide practical guidance for
public and private companies that are subject to the LGPD, based on experiences adapting to
data protection laws in different countries. It accompanies a checklist, also in the form of
an infographic, outlining the basic steps for each of the 12 adequacy priorities.
The article was initially published in English and a Portuguese version will be released soon
To access the article and get more information about the IDP/CIPL project, go to our
page: www.idp.edu.br/cedis