Defense of competition and regulation in the infrastructure sector is the subject of a free online debate at FGV EAESP
The event will be on September 14th, at 10am, with talks by Gilvandro Araújo, partner at Carneiros e Dipp Advogados; Gustavo Augusto, advisor to the Administrative Council for Economic Defense (CADE); Guilherme Sampaio, director of the National Land Transport Agency (ANTT); and Bruno Westin, special secretary of the Investment Partnership Program (PPI)
The Center for Infrastructure Studies & Environmental Solutions at Fundação Getulio Vargas' São Paulo School of Business Administration (FGV EAESP) will hold a free webinar on competition defense and regulation in the infrastructure sector on September 14th, at 10am. Those interested in participating must register at this link: https://evento.fgv.br/defesadaconcorrencia_1409 . The event link will be sent by email after registration.
This is a debate about the relationship between competition defense and regulation in Brazil, with an emphasis on the infrastructure sectors. The challenges to implementing competitiveness and the impacts of judicialization on sectoral regulation will be discussed.
The speakers will be: Gilvandro Araújo, partner at Carneiros e Dipp Advogados; Gustavo Augusto, advisor to the Administrative Council for Economic Defense (CADE); Guilherme Sampaio, director of the National Land Transport Agency (ANTT) and; Bruno Westin, special secretary of the Investment Partnership Program (PPI). Gesner Oliveira, coordinator of the Center for Infrastructure Studies & Environmental Solutions at FGV, will be moderated.