[vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text]Anyone who subscribes to our newsletter will certainly already know the news: we launched the EGEN blog! A portal where you can find various materials on the main topics related to the world of economics, management and business.
Clarifications of reform proposals, public policy analyzes and other topics relevant to public administration are widely present. We also talk about leadership, people management and other important aspects for your career. In addition, economic trends, big data and data science are frequently covered.
And, above all, the EGEN blog is a collaborative space. In addition to receiving analyzes from our teachers, we also receive articles and suggestions from students! Want to contribute? Send us an email: blog.egen@idp.edu.br.
To check out the latest posts, just go here ![/vc_column_text][/vc_column][/vc_row]