Webinar “Anti-Racist Advocacy”
Dina Alves – Lawyer, actress, doctor and master in criminal sciences from PUC/SP. Co-founder of the ADELINAS collective. Author of the research Black defendants, white judges
Flávia Martins de Carvalho - Judge at the Court of Justice of the State of São Paulo. PhD student in Philosophy and General Theory of Law at USP. Master (2011) and graduated (2008) in Law from UFRJ. Graduated in Social Communication from UERJ (1998). Member of the Working Group established by the CNJ to deal with racial issues within the scope of the Judiciary (Ordinance nº 108/2020). Director of Promotion of Racial Equality at the Association of Brazilian Magistrates (2020/2022). Professor and researcher in the areas of philosophy and theory of law, law and literature, gender and racial issues.
Géssica Arcanjo – Lawyer. Academic Supervisor at IDP's Lato Sensu Postgraduate Course. Researcher at the Asa Branca Criminology Group. Master's student in Law | UnB
Dina Alves – Lawyer, actress, doctor and master in criminal sciences from PUC/SP. Co-founder of the ADELINAS collective. Author of the research Black defendants, white judges
Flávia Martins de Carvalho - Judge at the Court of Justice of the State of São Paulo. PhD student in Philosophy and General Theory of Law at USP. Master (2011) and graduated (2008) in Law from UFRJ. Graduated in Social Communication from UERJ (1998). Member of the Working Group established by the CNJ to deal with racial issues within the scope of the Judiciary (Ordinance nº 108/2020). Director of Promotion of Racial Equality at the Association of Brazilian Magistrates (2020/2022). Professor and researcher in the areas of philosophy and theory of law, law and literature, gender and racial issues.
Géssica Arcanjo – Lawyer. Academic Supervisor at IDP's Lato Sensu Postgraduate Course. Researcher at the Asa Branca Criminology Group. Master's student in Law | UnB