Webinar “Brazilian Federalism”
Speakers: Ives Gandra da Silva Martins, Michel Temer and Paulo de Barros Carvalho.
Abstract: Brazilian federalism, as stipulated in article 1 of the 1988 Federal Constitution, reveals a norm of competence aimed at public entities (Union, States, Federal District and Municipalities) at the same time that it informs reciprocal autonomy between them. Autonomy, it is worth mentioning, which both gives them the necessary financial independence to fulfill their general obligations and, especially, allows them to carry out the necessary public policies recognized by the Federal Constitution. In this model, individual and/or collective, private or public rights and guarantees are presented as an inexhaustible source of prestige, which, on several occasions, have been discredited over time. And, in this tone, we are faced with the non-observance of objective and subjective values that interfere, both in legal relations between taxpayers and the State, and between public entities governed by domestic law. These consequences are harmful to the country, and are not limited only to legal relations, as they affect an entire scenario that discourages stability and hinders national economic growth. This scenario leads us to two of the most important and complex Brazilian structural reforms: administrative/financial and tax. At this point lies the object of study and analysis of our next meeting in an interdisciplinary manner, the conflicts arising from the non-observance of values dear to Brazilian federalism and we will discuss what the possible alternatives would be to this necessary confrontation.
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Speakers: Ives Gandra da Silva Martins, Michel Temer and Paulo de Barros Carvalho.
Abstract: Brazilian federalism, as stipulated in article 1 of the 1988 Federal Constitution, reveals a norm of competence aimed at public entities (Union, States, Federal District and Municipalities) at the same time that it informs reciprocal autonomy between them. Autonomy, it is worth mentioning, which both gives them the necessary financial independence to fulfill their general obligations and, especially, allows them to carry out the necessary public policies recognized by the Federal Constitution. In this model, individual and/or collective, private or public rights and guarantees are presented as an inexhaustible source of prestige, which, on several occasions, have been discredited over time. And, in this tone, we are faced with the non-observance of objective and subjective values that interfere, both in legal relations between taxpayers and the State, and between public entities governed by domestic law. These consequences are harmful to the country, and are not limited only to legal relations, as they affect an entire scenario that discourages stability and hinders national economic growth. This scenario leads us to two of the most important and complex Brazilian structural reforms: administrative/financial and tax. At this point lies the object of study and analysis of our next meeting in an interdisciplinary manner, the conflicts arising from the non-observance of values dear to Brazilian federalism and we will discuss what the possible alternatives would be to this necessary confrontation.
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