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Series – Conscious IDP



Suliete Baré – indigenous from the Baré People of Rio Negro, Tapereira Indigenous Community, and master's student in Human Rights at UnB

Dinamã Tuxá – indigenous lawyer and member of the coordination of the Articulation of Indigenous Peoples of Brazil – Apib

Loyuá da Costa – master in Constitutional Law from the Universidade Federal Fluminense – UFF and collaborator at the OSC “Center for Human Rights Dom Máximo Biennès”, in the Program for the Protection of Human Rights Defenders – PPDDH

Mediation: Roberta Amanajás – teacher at IDP

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Alisson Pankararu – Indigenous of the Pankararu people, graduating from the UnB Medicine course, and member of the UnB Indigenous Academics Association.

Beatriz Fernandes – Psychologist graduated from UnB, Design and Collagist. He works in the Clinical and School areas, in addition to educational and artistic projects. It has theoretical depth in issues of Development, Gender and Race Relations. Believes in community processes, otherness and autonomy, as well as in the fight for social change.

Patricia Fonseca Carlos Magno de Oliveira – Public Defender of Rio de Janeiro and PhD in Human Rights from UFRJ, with the thesis “In the trenches of the anti-asylum struggle”

Mediation: Matheus Asmassallan – Psychologist (UESPI), Master (UnB) and PhD student (UFBA) in Psychology. Human Rights Specialist (FAR) and educational psychologist at IDP Care.

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Pamella Liz – PhD and Masters in Public Health from the Oswaldo Cruz Foundation. Black, feminist and a student of gender issues and sexual and reproductive health. Currently conducting post-doctoral studies at Anis – – Institute of Bioethics, Human Rights and Gender.

Maria Eduarda Valois Spencer – care professional and SUS worker, assistant general practitioner at the Xucuru Kariri Base Center in Palmeira dos Índios, AL (DSEI AL/SE) and midwife, Member of the National Network of Popular Doctors and Doctors, Member of the Monitoring of Indigenous Rights in Pernambuco (REMDIPE). Adelaides Collective. @aondeoSUSchega

Mayara Ferrari Longuini – doctor and master in Law from Mackenzie and professor at IDP

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Guests :
Pablo Xavier – is a cultural producer from Belo Horizonte, resident of Aglomerado da Serra, Creator and coordinator of Alakan Cultura Periférica, a cultural producer that seeks to encourage independent projects from the outskirts. Furthermore, he is a theater student at CEFART – Centro de Formação Artística da Fundação Clóvis Salgado, cultural manager, dancer and choreographer of the dance groups Identidade and Balé Brasil.

Stephany Metódio – born in Garanhuns, is an actress, storyteller, poet-reciter, producer and cultural manager. She is also a researcher of African and Afro-Brazilian oral tradition. In his repertoire, he creates and performs in African oral storytelling shows: “Luanda Ruanda – Histórias Africanas” and “Ayô-Histórias de Griô”. She is also the creator and storyteller of the show “Histórias da Caixola”. Still in the area of ​​literature, he runs the show-class “The book on the scene”. She is a poet-reciter in Gabi da Pele Preta's show and in the project O Canto do Verso, by musician and composer Revoredo. She is a member of Coletivo Tear and manages the Espaço Cultural Aldeia Tear, where she is also curator and coordinator of the projects “Studio Tear” and “Mostra Mundaú de Canções”. He produced the short film “Gonzaga de Garanhuns: The King and the Reisado”. It produces the artists Gabi da Pele Preta, Lili Novais and Revoredo. He is part of the management group of RIPA (Rede Interiorana de Producers, Artists and Technicians of Pernambuco), he is manager of public policy and culture at Secult Garanhuns and during isolation he created a live show about Afro-Brazilian literature and blackness called “ÍTAN NILÉ – Stories at Home” which is being turned into a podcast.

Maíra de Deus Brito (journalist, PhD student in Human Rights at UnB and professor at IDP)

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Guests :
Andrey Régis de Melo – Public Defender RS, Director of the Criminal Defense Center. Specialist in Criminology and Criminal Law ICPC, Master in Social Sciences UFSM, PhD in Sociology UFRGS. Columnist for Jornal das Missões. Military Brigade Officer Training Course.

Bárbara Ferrito – Graduate and Master in Law from UFRJ, Labor Judge at TRT1, Member of ENAJUN – National Meeting of Black Judges, Deputy Director of Citizenship and Human Rights at Amatra1 and Author of the book Direito e Desigualdade

Dina Alves – Lawyer and PhD in Social Sciences from the Catholic University of São Paulo PUC (2015- 2019); Master in Social Sciences from the same university. Attorney. It works alongside popular organizations of the black movement, especially feminist movements – in the fight for black social emancipation. She is co-founder of the Autonomous Black Women's Collective ADELINAS. He has a degree in Dramatic Arts. Currently Coordinator of the Department of Justice and Public Security at IBCCRIM and Creator of IBCCRIM's I Black November, which aimed to strengthen the anti-racist fight through a debate on “black feminism and the public security system in Brazil”. She is also a researcher in the study group “Memory, Culture and Identity” associated with the Pontifical Catholic University of São Paulo/PUC/SP. Honored with the Clóvis Moura and Beatriz Nascimento award by Quilombação, in 2019.

Felipe Freitas – (researcher, doctor in Law from UnB and professor at IDP)

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Fausto Vanin – digital transformation agent. It works on initiatives that use technology to change the social context in which it lives. He has a master's degree in Applied Informatics from PUC-PR and certification in Innovation and Strategy from the MIT Sloan School of Management. Member of OnePercent, a collective that develops software solutions with Blockchain technology.

Vilma Pinto – graduated in Economic Sciences from the Faculty of Economic Sciences of the State University of Rio de Janeiro (FCE/UERJ). Technician in Economic Analysis at FGV/IBRE, with specialization in Public Finance. Member of the Public Sector Economics Center at FGV/IBRE. He worked at IBGE, collaborating in the production of statistics for the Institute – Producer Price Index (IPP) and the International Price Comparison Program. She is the first black woman to hold a board position at the Independent Fiscal Institution – IFI.

Evelin Bonfim – graduated in Journalism and Postgraduate in Economic Analysis, was part of INFOMONEY and worked at the Brazilian Institute for Consumer Protection. She is currently a financial consultant for women

Wellington Pantaleão (master in Human Rights from UnB and professor at IDP)

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25 Nov 2021
Online debate cycle

Series – Conscious IDP



Suliete Baré – indigenous from the Baré People of Rio Negro, Tapereira Indigenous Community, and master's student in Human Rights at UnB

Dinamã Tuxá – indigenous lawyer and member of the coordination of the Articulation of Indigenous Peoples of Brazil – Apib

Loyuá da Costa – master in Constitutional Law from the Universidade Federal Fluminense – UFF and collaborator at the OSC “Center for Human Rights Dom Máximo Biennès”, in the Program for the Protection of Human Rights Defenders – PPDDH

Mediation: Roberta Amanajás – teacher at IDP

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Alisson Pankararu – Indigenous of the Pankararu people, graduating from the UnB Medicine course, and member of the UnB Indigenous Academics Association.

Beatriz Fernandes – Psychologist graduated from UnB, Design and Collagist. He works in the Clinical and School areas, in addition to educational and artistic projects. It has theoretical depth in issues of Development, Gender and Race Relations. Believes in community processes, otherness and autonomy, as well as in the fight for social change.

Patricia Fonseca Carlos Magno de Oliveira – Public Defender of Rio de Janeiro and PhD in Human Rights from UFRJ, with the thesis “In the trenches of the anti-asylum struggle”

Mediation: Matheus Asmassallan – Psychologist (UESPI), Master (UnB) and PhD student (UFBA) in Psychology. Human Rights Specialist (FAR) and educational psychologist at IDP Care.

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Pamella Liz – PhD and Masters in Public Health from the Oswaldo Cruz Foundation. Black, feminist and a student of gender issues and sexual and reproductive health. Currently conducting post-doctoral studies at Anis – – Institute of Bioethics, Human Rights and Gender.

Maria Eduarda Valois Spencer – care professional and SUS worker, assistant general practitioner at the Xucuru Kariri Base Center in Palmeira dos Índios, AL (DSEI AL/SE) and midwife, Member of the National Network of Popular Doctors and Doctors, Member of the Monitoring of Indigenous Rights in Pernambuco (REMDIPE). Adelaides Collective. @aondeoSUSchega

Mayara Ferrari Longuini – doctor and master in Law from Mackenzie and professor at IDP

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Guests :
Pablo Xavier – is a cultural producer from Belo Horizonte, resident of Aglomerado da Serra, Creator and coordinator of Alakan Cultura Periférica, a cultural producer that seeks to encourage independent projects from the outskirts. Furthermore, he is a theater student at CEFART – Centro de Formação Artística da Fundação Clóvis Salgado, cultural manager, dancer and choreographer of the dance groups Identidade and Balé Brasil.

Stephany Metódio – born in Garanhuns, is an actress, storyteller, poet-reciter, producer and cultural manager. She is also a researcher of African and Afro-Brazilian oral tradition. In his repertoire, he creates and performs in African oral storytelling shows: “Luanda Ruanda – Histórias Africanas” and “Ayô-Histórias de Griô”. She is also the creator and storyteller of the show “Histórias da Caixola”. Still in the area of ​​literature, he runs the show-class “The book on the scene”. She is a poet-reciter in Gabi da Pele Preta's show and in the project O Canto do Verso, by musician and composer Revoredo. She is a member of Coletivo Tear and manages the Espaço Cultural Aldeia Tear, where she is also curator and coordinator of the projects “Studio Tear” and “Mostra Mundaú de Canções”. He produced the short film “Gonzaga de Garanhuns: The King and the Reisado”. It produces the artists Gabi da Pele Preta, Lili Novais and Revoredo. He is part of the management group of RIPA (Rede Interiorana de Producers, Artists and Technicians of Pernambuco), he is manager of public policy and culture at Secult Garanhuns and during isolation he created a live show about Afro-Brazilian literature and blackness called “ÍTAN NILÉ – Stories at Home” which is being turned into a podcast.

Maíra de Deus Brito (journalist, PhD student in Human Rights at UnB and professor at IDP)

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Guests :
Andrey Régis de Melo – Public Defender RS, Director of the Criminal Defense Center. Specialist in Criminology and Criminal Law ICPC, Master in Social Sciences UFSM, PhD in Sociology UFRGS. Columnist for Jornal das Missões. Military Brigade Officer Training Course.

Bárbara Ferrito – Graduate and Master in Law from UFRJ, Labor Judge at TRT1, Member of ENAJUN – National Meeting of Black Judges, Deputy Director of Citizenship and Human Rights at Amatra1 and Author of the book Direito e Desigualdade

Dina Alves – Lawyer and PhD in Social Sciences from the Catholic University of São Paulo PUC (2015- 2019); Master in Social Sciences from the same university. Attorney. It works alongside popular organizations of the black movement, especially feminist movements – in the fight for black social emancipation. She is co-founder of the Autonomous Black Women's Collective ADELINAS. He has a degree in Dramatic Arts. Currently Coordinator of the Department of Justice and Public Security at IBCCRIM and Creator of IBCCRIM's I Black November, which aimed to strengthen the anti-racist fight through a debate on “black feminism and the public security system in Brazil”. She is also a researcher in the study group “Memory, Culture and Identity” associated with the Pontifical Catholic University of São Paulo/PUC/SP. Honored with the Clóvis Moura and Beatriz Nascimento award by Quilombação, in 2019.

Felipe Freitas – (researcher, doctor in Law from UnB and professor at IDP)

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Fausto Vanin – digital transformation agent. It works on initiatives that use technology to change the social context in which it lives. He has a master's degree in Applied Informatics from PUC-PR and certification in Innovation and Strategy from the MIT Sloan School of Management. Member of OnePercent, a collective that develops software solutions with Blockchain technology.

Vilma Pinto – graduated in Economic Sciences from the Faculty of Economic Sciences of the State University of Rio de Janeiro (FCE/UERJ). Technician in Economic Analysis at FGV/IBRE, with specialization in Public Finance. Member of the Public Sector Economics Center at FGV/IBRE. He worked at IBGE, collaborating in the production of statistics for the Institute – Producer Price Index (IPP) and the International Price Comparison Program. She is the first black woman to hold a board position at the Independent Fiscal Institution – IFI.

Evelin Bonfim – graduated in Journalism and Postgraduate in Economic Analysis, was part of INFOMONEY and worked at the Brazilian Institute for Consumer Protection. She is currently a financial consultant for women

Wellington Pantaleão (master in Human Rights from UnB and professor at IDP)

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