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– Title and theme of the event: Contributions to the regulation of the Question of Relevance in REsp
– Date(s): September 19th
– Time(s): 7pm
– Frequency: n/a
– In-person or online: hybrid
– Workload, for certificate issuance: 2h
– Location: IDP Asa Sul, 3rd floor
– Carried out: ABPC, IDP and OAB/DF


Guilherme Pupe: PhD in law and professor at IDP. Lawyer, partner at Mudrovitsch Advogados. Founding member and President of ABPC.

Vívian Athanazio: Advisor to Minister of the Superior Court of Justice. She was an advisor to a Minister of the Federal Supreme Court. Specialist in Civil Procedural Law from IDP and graduated in Law from UnB. Member of ABPC.


Leonardo Carneiro da Cunha: Master in Law from UFPE. PhD in Law from PUC-SP, with post-doctorate from the University of Lisbon. Associate Professor at the Faculty of Law of Recife (UFPE), on undergraduate, master's and doctoral courses. Lawyer and legal consultant.

Paula Pessoa: Advisor to the Minister of the STF. Doctor in Law. Professor at UnB. Member of ABPC.

Luiz Wambier: Lawyer with extensive experience at the STJ and STF. Partner at Wambier, Yamasaki, Bevervanço & Lobo Advogados. Professor of the Masters and Doctorate at IDP. Honorary member of ABPC.

Marcelo Marchiori: Master in Law from the University of Brasília. Secretary of Precedents Management of the Federal Supreme Court. He held the position of chief advisor at the STJ's Precedents Management Center between 2016 and 2020. Postgraduate Professor at the Brazilian Institute of Education, Development and Research (IDP), the School of AGU, ENFAM and OAB/SP . Member of ABPC.

Carol Caputo: Master's student at the Università degli Studi di Roma, Tor Vergata. LLM in Business Law from FGV. Lawyer, partner at Caputo Bastos and Fruet Advogados. General Secretary of ABPC.

Renato Castro: Supervising judge of NUGEPNAC/STJ. Master in Law. Professor at Faculdade Mackenzie Brasília, at the Fundação Escola Superior do Ministério Público do DF and at the TJDFT Judicial Training School. Founding member of the Brasiliense Association of Civil Procedural Law (ABPC).

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19 Set 2022
Online debate cycle

– Title and theme of the event: Contributions to the regulation of the Question of Relevance in REsp
– Date(s): September 19th
– Time(s): 7pm
– Frequency: n/a
– In-person or online: hybrid
– Workload, for certificate issuance: 2h
– Location: IDP Asa Sul, 3rd floor
– Carried out: ABPC, IDP and OAB/DF


Guilherme Pupe: PhD in law and professor at IDP. Lawyer, partner at Mudrovitsch Advogados. Founding member and President of ABPC.

Vívian Athanazio: Advisor to Minister of the Superior Court of Justice. She was an advisor to a Minister of the Federal Supreme Court. Specialist in Civil Procedural Law from IDP and graduated in Law from UnB. Member of ABPC.


Leonardo Carneiro da Cunha: Master in Law from UFPE. PhD in Law from PUC-SP, with post-doctorate from the University of Lisbon. Associate Professor at the Faculty of Law of Recife (UFPE), on undergraduate, master's and doctoral courses. Lawyer and legal consultant.

Paula Pessoa: Advisor to the Minister of the STF. Doctor in Law. Professor at UnB. Member of ABPC.

Luiz Wambier: Lawyer with extensive experience at the STJ and STF. Partner at Wambier, Yamasaki, Bevervanço & Lobo Advogados. Professor of the Masters and Doctorate at IDP. Honorary member of ABPC.

Marcelo Marchiori: Master in Law from the University of Brasília. Secretary of Precedents Management of the Federal Supreme Court. He held the position of chief advisor at the STJ's Precedents Management Center between 2016 and 2020. Postgraduate Professor at the Brazilian Institute of Education, Development and Research (IDP), the School of AGU, ENFAM and OAB/SP . Member of ABPC.

Carol Caputo: Master's student at the Università degli Studi di Roma, Tor Vergata. LLM in Business Law from FGV. Lawyer, partner at Caputo Bastos and Fruet Advogados. General Secretary of ABPC.

Renato Castro: Supervising judge of NUGEPNAC/STJ. Master in Law. Professor at Faculdade Mackenzie Brasília, at the Fundação Escola Superior do Ministério Público do DF and at the TJDFT Judicial Training School. Founding member of the Brasiliense Association of Civil Procedural Law (ABPC).

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