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ECOM will promote a series of four workshops focused on preparing students for the world of undergraduate studies and scientific research. The workshops are aimed at the needs that students present at the beginning of the course. Participation in each one is worth 2 hours of complementary activity. Check the themes and dates:

Exclusive for IDP students

Speaker: Bárbara Cabral

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Speaker: Renata Othon

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Speaker: Renata Othon

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Speaker: Bárbara Cabral

Sign up
06 Oct 2021
Online Workshop

ECOM will promote a series of four workshops focused on preparing students for the world of undergraduate studies and scientific research. The workshops are aimed at the needs that students present at the beginning of the course. Participation in each one is worth 2 hours of complementary activity. Check the themes and dates:

Exclusive for IDP students

Speaker: Bárbara Cabral

Sign up

Speaker: Renata Othon

Sign up

Speaker: Renata Othon

Sign up

Speaker: Bárbara Cabral

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