Fiscal Macrolitigation Observatory with Aditus Iure
Lucas Bevilacqua
Rafael Fonseca
Janete Ricken
Paulo Mendes
Cristiane Silva Costa – Partner at the Thomazinho, Monteiro, Bellangero & Jorge Office, former Vice-President of CARF, professor at IBET.
Livia De Carli Germano – CARF Advisor since 2015, currently Member of the 1st Panel of the Superior Chamber of Tax Appeals (CSRF). Master in Economic and Financial Law from FD-USP and Specialist in Tax Law from PUC-SP/COGEAE. Licensed lawyer, author of specialized books and articles.
Rodrigo Moreira Lopes – Master in Economic, Financial and Tax Law from the Catholic University of Brasília – UCB (2010-2012). Graduated in Law from the Centro Universitário de Brasília (2006). Professor of Tax Law and Tax Planning in undergraduate and postgraduate courses in Brasília/DF. National Treasury Attorney – Attorney General of the National Treasury, assigned to the Coordination of Tax Administrative Litigation – COCAT, which works before the Administrative Council of Tax Appeals – CARF.
Juliana Fonseca Alves – Bachelor of Laws from the Faculty of Law Milton Campos. Postgraduate in Tax Law from the Pontifical Catholic University of Minas Gerais – PUC/MG. Bachelor of Accounting Sciences from FUMEC University. Tax and Contracts Legal Manager at ArcelorMittal Brasil S/A.
Ivan Allegretti – PhD student and Master in Law from USP. Professor at IDP. Former CARF Advisor. Lawyer in Brasilia.
Sign upGuests:
Edeli Pereira Bessa – Graduated in Accounting Sciences and Law and Specialist in Tax and Constitutional Law. Tax Auditor at the Federal Revenue of Brazil. President of the 1st Chamber of the 1st Judgment Section of the Administrative Council of Tax Appeals. Counselor Representative of the National Treasury at the 1st Panel of the Superior Chamber of Tax Appeals.
Demetrius Nichele Macei – PhD from PUC/SP, with post-doctorate at USP. Member of the Permanent Body of the Doctorate at UNICURITIBA. Former Councilor of the 1st. Superior Chamber of Tax Appeals of CARF/ME. Member of the OAB/PR Tax Law Commission.
Maurício Pereira Faro – Lawyer. President of CEAT-OAB/RJ.
Thales Stucky – Lawyer, LL.M. in International Taxation from New York University, Former President of the Institute of Tax Studies – IET, and partner at Trench, Rossi e Watanabe Advogados.
Bernardo Motta Moreira – PhD student and Master (UFMG). Advisor to CC-MG and CART-BH. Certified consultant at ALMG. Professor and Lawyer.
Thiago Dayan – PhD student in Tax Law from PUC/RS, Master in Constitutional Law from IDP, Advisor to CARF (1st Judgment Section) and researcher in the Fiscal Macro Litigation Research Group.
Sign upGuests:
Érika Costa Camargos Autran – CARF Advisor since 2014, currently Vice-President of the Chamber, Head Advisor of the Superior Chamber of Tax Appeals – CSRF – 3rd Section and Collaborator of the Federation of Industries of Minas Gerais – FIEMG.
Fabrício Sarmanho – Master in Law from UnB and Professor of Constitutional and Tax Law. Attorney for the National Treasury, works with CARF.
Sérgio André Rocha – Professor of Financial and Tax Law at UERJ. Associate Professor in Tax Law at USP. Director of ABDF.
Tiago Conde – Master in Public Law from the University of Coimbra. Attorney. Professor at IDP. Director of Abradt.
Rafael Fonseca – Professor at IDP. PhD student in Financial Law at USP. Judicial Analyst at the STF.
Sign upMediation:
Lucas Bevilacqua
Valter Lobato
Breno do Carmo Moreira Vieira
Fernando Brasil de Oliveira Pinto
Valcir Gassen
Sign upInaugural Meeting of the Fiscal Macrolitigation Observatory with Aditus Iure
Opening: Janete Ricken and Lucas Bevilacqua
Minister Gurgel de Faria
Rafael Fonseca and Paulo Mendes
Sign upOpening:
Rafael Fonseca and Tiago Conde
Daniel Mitidiero
Paulo Mendes and Alexandre Coelho de Oliveira
Min. Marcelo Navarro Ribeiro Dantas
Paulo Mendes and Cristiane Galvão
Osmar Paixão and Rafael Fonseca
Sign upGuest:
Hugo de Brito Machado Segundo
Arthur Ferreira Neto
Pedro Gontijo
Cristiane Galvão
Ana Claudia Borges
Sign upSpeaker:
Andrei Pitten Velloso
Paulo Caliendo
Rodrigo Lázaro
Rafael Fonseca
Tiago Conde
Paulo Mendes
Ivan Allegretti
Rafael Fonseca
Livia Gil
Guest Speaker:
Pedro Felipe de Oliveira Santos
Humberto Ávila
Paulo Mendes
Cristiane Galvão
Rafael Fonseca
Lucas Bevilacqua
Sign upGuest:
Milton Terra
Pedro D´araújo Sales
Ivan Allegretti
Cristiane Galvão
Paulo Mendes
Maria Angélica Feijó
Alexandre Coelho de Oliveira
Lucas Bevilacqua
Guest: Minister Sérgio Kukina (STJ)
Debaters: Marcelo Marchiori (UnB/STF) and Erich Endrillo (UniCeub/ABAT)
Mediator: Rafael Fonseca (IDP/UnB/Fadisp)
Sign upGuest: Prof.Dr.Marco Felix Jobim (PUC/RS)
Debaters: Prof.Dr.Paulo Caliendo (PUC/RS) and Vanessa Cecconello (OMF/CARF)
Mediation: Prof.Dr.Tiago Conde (IDP/Abradt)
Sign upSpeaker: Pedro Adamy
Debaters: Paula Pessoa and Alexandre Coelho de Oliveira
Mediation: Lucas Bevilacqua
Sign upMediation:
Prof. Rafael Fonseca
Prof. Jorge Galvão
Prof. Cristiane Coelho and Pedro Gontijo
Prof. Dr. Cristiane Coelho (IDP)
Guest: Prof.Dr.Jorge Galvão (UnB)
Debaters: Prof. Dr. Ana Paula Carvalhal (IDP) and Pedro Gontijo
Sign upCoordinators:
Lucas Bevilacqua
Rafael Fonseca
Janete Ricken
Paulo Mendes
Cristiane Silva Costa – Partner at the Thomazinho, Monteiro, Bellangero & Jorge Office, former Vice-President of CARF, professor at IBET.
Livia De Carli Germano – CARF Advisor since 2015, currently Member of the 1st Panel of the Superior Chamber of Tax Appeals (CSRF). Master in Economic and Financial Law from FD-USP and Specialist in Tax Law from PUC-SP/COGEAE. Licensed lawyer, author of specialized books and articles.
Rodrigo Moreira Lopes – Master in Economic, Financial and Tax Law from the Catholic University of Brasília – UCB (2010-2012). Graduated in Law from the Centro Universitário de Brasília (2006). Professor of Tax Law and Tax Planning in undergraduate and postgraduate courses in Brasília/DF. National Treasury Attorney – Attorney General of the National Treasury, assigned to the Coordination of Tax Administrative Litigation – COCAT, which works before the Administrative Council of Tax Appeals – CARF.
Juliana Fonseca Alves – Bachelor of Laws from the Faculty of Law Milton Campos. Postgraduate in Tax Law from the Pontifical Catholic University of Minas Gerais – PUC/MG. Bachelor of Accounting Sciences from FUMEC University. Tax and Contracts Legal Manager at ArcelorMittal Brasil S/A.
Ivan Allegretti – PhD student and Master in Law from USP. Professor at IDP. Former CARF Advisor. Lawyer in Brasilia.
Sign upGuests:
Edeli Pereira Bessa – Graduated in Accounting Sciences and Law and Specialist in Tax and Constitutional Law. Tax Auditor at the Federal Revenue of Brazil. President of the 1st Chamber of the 1st Judgment Section of the Administrative Council of Tax Appeals. Counselor Representative of the National Treasury at the 1st Panel of the Superior Chamber of Tax Appeals.
Demetrius Nichele Macei – PhD from PUC/SP, with post-doctorate at USP. Member of the Permanent Body of the Doctorate at UNICURITIBA. Former Councilor of the 1st. Superior Chamber of Tax Appeals of CARF/ME. Member of the OAB/PR Tax Law Commission.
Maurício Pereira Faro – Lawyer. President of CEAT-OAB/RJ.
Thales Stucky – Lawyer, LL.M. in International Taxation from New York University, Former President of the Institute of Tax Studies – IET, and partner at Trench, Rossi e Watanabe Advogados.
Bernardo Motta Moreira – PhD student and Master (UFMG). Advisor to CC-MG and CART-BH. Certified consultant at ALMG. Professor and Lawyer.
Thiago Dayan – PhD student in Tax Law from PUC/RS, Master in Constitutional Law from IDP, Advisor to CARF (1st Judgment Section) and researcher in the Fiscal Macro Litigation Research Group.
Sign upGuests:
Érika Costa Camargos Autran – CARF Advisor since 2014, currently Vice-President of the Chamber, Head Advisor of the Superior Chamber of Tax Appeals – CSRF – 3rd Section and Collaborator of the Federation of Industries of Minas Gerais – FIEMG.
Fabrício Sarmanho – Master in Law from UnB and Professor of Constitutional and Tax Law. Attorney for the National Treasury, works with CARF.
Sérgio André Rocha – Professor of Financial and Tax Law at UERJ. Associate Professor in Tax Law at USP. Director of ABDF.
Tiago Conde – Master in Public Law from the University of Coimbra. Attorney. Professor at IDP. Director of Abradt.
Rafael Fonseca – Professor at IDP. PhD student in Financial Law at USP. Judicial Analyst at the STF.
Sign upMediation:
Lucas Bevilacqua
Valter Lobato
Breno do Carmo Moreira Vieira
Fernando Brasil de Oliveira Pinto
Valcir Gassen
Sign upInaugural Meeting of the Fiscal Macrolitigation Observatory with Aditus Iure
Opening: Janete Ricken and Lucas Bevilacqua
Minister Gurgel de Faria
Rafael Fonseca and Paulo Mendes
Sign upOpening:
Rafael Fonseca and Tiago Conde
Daniel Mitidiero
Paulo Mendes and Alexandre Coelho de Oliveira
Min. Marcelo Navarro Ribeiro Dantas
Paulo Mendes and Cristiane Galvão
Osmar Paixão and Rafael Fonseca
Sign upGuest:
Hugo de Brito Machado Segundo
Arthur Ferreira Neto
Pedro Gontijo
Cristiane Galvão
Ana Claudia Borges
Sign upSpeaker:
Andrei Pitten Velloso
Paulo Caliendo
Rodrigo Lázaro
Rafael Fonseca
Tiago Conde
Paulo Mendes
Ivan Allegretti
Rafael Fonseca
Livia Gil
Guest Speaker:
Pedro Felipe de Oliveira Santos
Humberto Ávila
Paulo Mendes
Cristiane Galvão
Rafael Fonseca
Lucas Bevilacqua
Sign upGuest:
Milton Terra
Pedro D´araújo Sales
Ivan Allegretti
Cristiane Galvão
Paulo Mendes
Maria Angélica Feijó
Alexandre Coelho de Oliveira
Lucas Bevilacqua
Guest: Minister Sérgio Kukina (STJ)
Debaters: Marcelo Marchiori (UnB/STF) and Erich Endrillo (UniCeub/ABAT)
Mediator: Rafael Fonseca (IDP/UnB/Fadisp)
Sign upGuest: Prof.Dr.Marco Felix Jobim (PUC/RS)
Debaters: Prof.Dr.Paulo Caliendo (PUC/RS) and Vanessa Cecconello (OMF/CARF)
Mediation: Prof.Dr.Tiago Conde (IDP/Abradt)
Sign upSpeaker: Pedro Adamy
Debaters: Paula Pessoa and Alexandre Coelho de Oliveira
Mediation: Lucas Bevilacqua
Sign upMediation:
Prof. Rafael Fonseca
Prof. Jorge Galvão
Prof. Cristiane Coelho and Pedro Gontijo
Prof. Dr. Cristiane Coelho (IDP)
Guest: Prof.Dr.Jorge Galvão (UnB)
Debaters: Prof. Dr. Ana Paula Carvalhal (IDP) and Pedro Gontijo
Sign up