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Raquel Cândido | She is a lawyer and built her professional life experiencing various opportunities. Did his LL. M at American University, Washington College of Law and had her master's degree recognized by UnB. She is also a Coach trained by the EVO method, Master career coach by the Maurício Sampaio institute and Master Life and Executive Coach trained by the Coaching Club.
Rafaela Andrade | She has a master's and doctoral degree from UnB with a focus on work teams, leadership and careers. He is the Founder of Skipo, a trend and team development laboratory and curator. She works as coordinator of the MBA People Management and HR 4.0 at IDP.

Bruna Pinheiro
João Gusmão

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05 Apr 2021
Online Lecture

Raquel Cândido | She is a lawyer and built her professional life experiencing various opportunities. Did his LL. M at American University, Washington College of Law and had her master's degree recognized by UnB. She is also a Coach trained by the EVO method, Master career coach by the Maurício Sampaio institute and Master Life and Executive Coach trained by the Coaching Club.
Rafaela Andrade | She has a master's and doctoral degree from UnB with a focus on work teams, leadership and careers. He is the Founder of Skipo, a trend and team development laboratory and curator. She works as coordinator of the MBA People Management and HR 4.0 at IDP.

Bruna Pinheiro
João Gusmão

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