Study Group “History for non-Historians”
Leadership: Professor Monique Sochaczewski Goldfeld
Proposal: Historical knowledge is essential for all professions and in times of broad global changes, accelerated by the Covid-19 pandemic, it is essential to reflect on the changes we have witnessed, especially in technological terms. The idea of the Study Group “History for non-Historians” at IDP is to debate at each meeting about the importance of History in general, deepen knowledge about relevant research in Brazil and the world, and introduce important Brazilian collections available online that can assist in student research.
Group Launch: 8/24/21, from 4pm to 6pm
Yuval Noah Harari and the importance of History
Sign upGetting to know Collections: the Digital Newspaper Library of the National Library
Sign upGetting to know Collections: the National Archives
Sign upGetting to know Collections: FGV’s CPDOC
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