Objective: To encourage debate about Administrative Improbity, by analyzing the limits and guidelines for applying the LIA, specifically in the scenario of reform proposals and vast impacts on the electoral process.
Gilmar Mendes | Minister of the STF
Sérgio Fiuza de Mello Mendes | Rector Cesupa
Atalá Correia | IDP Coordinator
Napoleão Maia Nunes | STJ Minister
Rosileide Maria da Costa Cunha | Desa. TJPA
Flávio Jardim | IDP
Mediator: Raphael Marcelino | IDP
President: Jean Carlos Dias | Cesupa
Ney Bello | Des. TRF-1; IDP and Pres. ref commission. by LIA
Célia Regina Pinheiro | Desa. Pres. TJPA
Luzia Nadja Nascimento | Desa. TJPA and Pres. TRE-PA
Cristina Lourenço | CESUPA and Vice-Press. OAB/PA
Arianne Cal Athias | CESUPA
Mediator: Brenda Araújo | OAB/PA Improbity Commission
President: Rodrigo Mudrovitsch | IDP and Commission ref. from LIA
Néviton Guedes | Des. TRF-1
Sérgio Wolney Guedes | Judge TRF-1 and TRE-PA
Diogo Condurú | TRE-PA and Cesupa
Mediator: Lais Porto | IDP
President: Juliana Freitas | Cesupa
Cristina Lourenço | CESUPA and Vice-Pres. OAB/PA
João Paulo Mendes | Cesupa Coordinator
Raphael Carvalho | IDP Coordinator
Objective: To encourage debate about Administrative Improbity, by analyzing the limits and guidelines for applying the LIA, specifically in the scenario of reform proposals and vast impacts on the electoral process.
Gilmar Mendes | Minister of the STF
Sérgio Fiuza de Mello Mendes | Rector Cesupa
Atalá Correia | IDP Coordinator
Napoleão Maia Nunes | STJ Minister
Rosileide Maria da Costa Cunha | Desa. TJPA
Flávio Jardim | IDP
Mediator: Raphael Marcelino | IDP
President: Jean Carlos Dias | Cesupa
Ney Bello | Des. TRF-1; IDP and Pres. ref commission. by LIA
Célia Regina Pinheiro | Desa. Pres. TJPA
Luzia Nadja Nascimento | Desa. TJPA and Pres. TRE-PA
Cristina Lourenço | CESUPA and Vice-Press. OAB/PA
Arianne Cal Athias | CESUPA
Mediator: Brenda Araújo | OAB/PA Improbity Commission
President: Rodrigo Mudrovitsch | IDP and Commission ref. from LIA
Néviton Guedes | Des. TRF-1
Sérgio Wolney Guedes | Judge TRF-1 and TRE-PA
Diogo Condurú | TRE-PA and Cesupa
Mediator: Lais Porto | IDP
President: Juliana Freitas | Cesupa
Cristina Lourenço | CESUPA and Vice-Pres. OAB/PA
João Paulo Mendes | Cesupa Coordinator
Raphael Carvalho | IDP Coordinator