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The IX Lisbon Legal Forum is approaching and, due to the pandemic, control will be strict, respecting the limited auditorium space.
The event will be in person, with live broadcast.
For those who will participate virtually, we inform you that the link will be sent the day before the event.
For those who will participate in person, we inform you that the auditorium is subject to capacity, respecting the distancing rules due to the pandemic and, if this occurs, it will be possible to follow the live broadcast.
We emphasize that it is the participant's responsibility to check all prerequisites for entry into the country, travel and limitations.

In-person event broadcast on YouTube.
The schedule may undergo changes.

Dates: November 15, 16 and 17, 2021

Access the schedule: IX Lisbon Legal Forum

Registration to follow online via YouTube broadcast.

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Registration to follow in person in Lisbon

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15 Nov 2021
Offline Seminar

The IX Lisbon Legal Forum is approaching and, due to the pandemic, control will be strict, respecting the limited auditorium space.
The event will be in person, with live broadcast.
For those who will participate virtually, we inform you that the link will be sent the day before the event.
For those who will participate in person, we inform you that the auditorium is subject to capacity, respecting the distancing rules due to the pandemic and, if this occurs, it will be possible to follow the live broadcast.
We emphasize that it is the participant's responsibility to check all prerequisites for entry into the country, travel and limitations.

In-person event broadcast on YouTube.
The schedule may undergo changes.

Dates: November 15, 16 and 17, 2021

Access the schedule: IX Lisbon Legal Forum

Registration to follow online via YouTube broadcast.

Sign up

Registration to follow in person in Lisbon

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