In the second half of 2021, the Communication, Consumption and Culture Research Laboratory (LAPEC) will discuss texts that dialogue with the theme “Fashion Consumption” . It is advised that, when registering for the meeting, the student reads the indicated bibliography.
Participation in each one is worth 2 hours of complementary activity.
Check out the full schedule:
Discussion of the work “The Long Tail”, by Chris Anderson
Sign upSpeaker: Bárbara Vieira
Texts worked:
JUNG, CG Archetypes and the collective unconscious. Petrópolis, RJ: Vozes, 2000.
COSTA, Rodrigo Lopes. SILVA, Naiana Rodrigues. The Use of Archetypes in Fashion Advertising: Case Study of the Riachuelo Fall-Winter 2015 Campaign. In: XXXVIII Brazilian Congress of Communication Sciences, RJ: 2015.
Speaker: Renata Othon
Texts worked:
DOMINGUES, Izabela; MIRANDA, Ana Paula de. Consumption of activism. São Paulo: Estação das Letras e Cores, 2018.
DOMINGUES, Izabela; MIRANDA, Ana Paula de. Consumption of activism: fashion, speeches, merchandise. In: GTS MEETING IN POST-GRADUATION – COMUNICON, 7., 2018, São Paulo. Annals […]. São Paulo: ESPM, 2018.
Available at:
Sign upSpeaker: Vinicius Goulart
NOGUEIRA, Letícia de Sá. Fashion photography: language and production of meaning. CES Magazine, v. 26, no. 01, Jan./Dec. 2012, p. 97-108.
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Speaker: Bárbara Vieira
THE TRUE COST. Director: Andrew Morgan. Produced by Vincent Vittorio. United States of America: 2015. Available at:
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Speaker: Renata Othon
Worked text: KARHAWI, Issaaf. From blogger to influencer: stages of professionalization of the Brazilian fashion blogosphere. Porto Alegre: publisher Sulina, 2020.
Sign upSpeaker: Vinicius Goulart
Worked text: RIFKIN, Jeremy. Zero marginal cost society. São Paulo: M.Books, 2015.
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