Launch of an Economic Study on the Impacts of Economic Regulation
“Economic and competitive assessment of PL 2,768/2022: international experience, and identification of economic impacts on the Brazilian economy”
Study Launch Panel:
Any Ortiz, Federal Deputy (PL rapporteur)
Marcos Toscano, Director of the Department of Digital Transformation and Innovation, Ministry of Development, Industry, Commerce and Services (MDIC)
Silvia Fagá, Director of LCA Consultoria Econômica
Mônica Fujimoto, Prof. IDP
Raúl Echeberría, Executive Director of ALAI
Ravvi Augusto de Abreu Coutinho Madruga, General Coordinator of Competition Promotion
Administrative Council for Economic Defense (CADE) – To be confirmed
The Latin American Internet Association (ALAI) developed an economic and competitive assessment study of the impacts of PL 2,768/2022, authored by Federal Deputy João Maia and reported by Federal Deputy Any Ortiz.
The study aims to support debates on the matter, adding economic estimates and data analysis on market dynamics.
The unprecedented research addresses three different dimensions of PL’s economic analysis:
the qualitative analysis of the criteria for designating regulated companies and segments both in Brazil and around the world;
the identification of sectors that would meet the criteria of PL 2,768/2022; and
the quantitative estimation of the economic impacts of the legislative proposal based on the increase in costs generated by it.
Participate in this meeting with experts in antitrust and innovation policies.
About ALAI:
The Latin American Internet Association (“ALAI”) is an international civil association, and brings together companies committed to thinking about and developing the Internet in Latin America.
ALAI promotes the inclusive development of the digital economy through the maintenance and strengthening of an open Internet, with support for public policies that contemplate and favor entrepreneurship, innovation, opportunities for new applications of technology, respect and exercise of human rights .