Webinar “Lava Jato: case study of the international legal cooperation routes used”
Mediation: Maria Rosa Loula | PhD in Law and Federal Attorney at the Federal Attorney General's Office
Cláudia Chagas | Former National Secretary of Justice of the Ministry of Justice, Retired Public Prosecutor and Lawyer.
Anamara Osório | Deputy Secretary SCI MPF
Camila Colares: Abin agent, former Director of DRCI,
Rochelle Pastana Ribeiro | Master in Public International Law (Leiden University, 2011) and General Coordinator of Financial Intelligence at COAF.
Silvia Amélia Fonseca de Oliveira | Master in International Relations, Federal Police Delegate and Director of the Asset Recovery and International Legal Cooperation Department
Camila Colares | Former Director of DRCI. Former Head of the International Advisory Department of the Ministry of Justice and the Comptroller General of the Union. Master's student at the London School of Economics (LSE)
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Mediation: Maria Rosa Loula | PhD in Law and Federal Attorney at the Federal Attorney General's Office
Cláudia Chagas | Former National Secretary of Justice of the Ministry of Justice, Retired Public Prosecutor and Lawyer.
Anamara Osório | Deputy Secretary SCI MPF
Camila Colares: Abin agent, former Director of DRCI,
Rochelle Pastana Ribeiro | Master in Public International Law (Leiden University, 2011) and General Coordinator of Financial Intelligence at COAF.
Silvia Amélia Fonseca de Oliveira | Master in International Relations, Federal Police Delegate and Director of the Asset Recovery and International Legal Cooperation Department
Camila Colares | Former Director of DRCI. Former Head of the International Advisory Department of the Ministry of Justice and the Comptroller General of the Union. Master's student at the London School of Economics (LSE)
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