Master Class “Communication and Business for the future”
Aula Magna: “Communication and Business for the future”
Speaker: Lilian Tahan | Since September 2015, he has directed the news website Metrópoles. She has a degree in social communication from the University of Brasília (UnB), with a specialization in digital journalism and management of a communication company from ISE Business School, an institution linked to the University of Navarra, in Spain. Before Metrópoles, he worked for 12 years at Correio Braziliense and two years at Veja Brasília magazine. Throughout his career, he won prestigious journalism awards, such as Esso, Embratel, CNT, CNI, AMB, MPT, Engenho.
Aula Magna: “Communication and Business for the future”
Speaker: Lilian Tahan | Since September 2015, he has directed the news website Metrópoles. She has a degree in social communication from the University of Brasília (UnB), with a specialization in digital journalism and management of a communication company from ISE Business School, an institution linked to the University of Navarra, in Spain. Before Metrópoles, he worked for 12 years at Correio Braziliense and two years at Veja Brasília magazine. Throughout his career, he won prestigious journalism awards, such as Esso, Embratel, CNT, CNI, AMB, MPT, Engenho.