Administrative Law Reading Club 2023.1
Administrative Law Reading Club 2023.1
Dates: Always the first Tuesday of the month, (07/03 – 04/04 – 09/05 – 06/06 and 04/07) Always at 7:30 pm Brasília time
Time: From 7:30 pm to 9:00 pm Brasília time
Transmission: Zoom, with transmission only for registered participants
Work: “The legal roots of corruption: or how public law encourages corruption instead of fighting it”, Héctor A. Mairal.
Coordinator: Prof. Vládia Pompeu
Organizers: Acácia Soares and Flávio Roman
Assistant: Alexandre Oliveira
MAIRAL, Hécto A. “The legal roots of corruption: or how public law encourages corruption instead of fighting it. Trans. Susan M. Beherends Kramer. São Paulo: Contracurrent, 2018.
1. Meeting on March 7th, Tuesday, 7:30 pm, Zoom platform. Presentations, I – Introduction, pp. 9 to 48. Rapporteur: _____
2. Meeting on April 4th, Tuesday, 7:30 pm, Zoom platform. II – Legal uncertainty as a fertile field for corruption, pp. 49 to 112. Rapporteur:_____
3. Meeting on May 9th, Tuesday, 7:30 pm, Zoom platform. III – The factors that directly affect corruption, pp. 113 to 176. Rapporteur: _____
4. Meeting on June 6th, Tuesday, 7:30 pm, Zoom platform. IV – The defects of public procurement, pp. 177 to 222. Rapporteur: _____
5. Meeting on July 4th, Tuesday, 7:30 pm, Zoom platform. Conclusions, pp. 223 to 240.
Sign upAdministrative Law Reading Club 2023.1
Dates: Always the first Tuesday of the month, (07/03 – 04/04 – 09/05 – 06/06 and 04/07) Always at 7:30 pm Brasília time
Time: From 7:30 pm to 9:00 pm Brasília time
Transmission: Zoom, with transmission only for registered participants
Work: “The legal roots of corruption: or how public law encourages corruption instead of fighting it”, Héctor A. Mairal.
Coordinator: Prof. Vládia Pompeu
Organizers: Acácia Soares and Flávio Roman
Assistant: Alexandre Oliveira
MAIRAL, Hécto A. “The legal roots of corruption: or how public law encourages corruption instead of fighting it. Trans. Susan M. Beherends Kramer. São Paulo: Contracurrent, 2018.
1. Meeting on March 7th, Tuesday, 7:30 pm, Zoom platform. Presentations, I – Introduction, pp. 9 to 48. Rapporteur: _____
2. Meeting on April 4th, Tuesday, 7:30 pm, Zoom platform. II – Legal uncertainty as a fertile field for corruption, pp. 49 to 112. Rapporteur:_____
3. Meeting on May 9th, Tuesday, 7:30 pm, Zoom platform. III – The factors that directly affect corruption, pp. 113 to 176. Rapporteur: _____
4. Meeting on June 6th, Tuesday, 7:30 pm, Zoom platform. IV – The defects of public procurement, pp. 177 to 222. Rapporteur: _____
5. Meeting on July 4th, Tuesday, 7:30 pm, Zoom platform. Conclusions, pp. 223 to 240.
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