Coordination: Atalá Correia and Marília Sampaio
Sign upGuest professor: Professor Rafael Peteffi da Silva
Guest: Cícero Dantas Bisneto – Judge of the Court of Justice of the State of Bahia
Meeting with the author of the nominated book, Professor Bruno Leonardo Câmara Carrá.
Organization of work
Sign upWork: MELO DA SILVA, Wilson. Responsibility without Fault. 2nd Edition. São Paulo. Saraiva, 1974. Reading Chapters 7 and 8 (p.80-112), which deal with the insufficiency of guilt and objections to objective liability. Reading Chapters 11 and 12 (p. 164-204), which deal with the socialization of risks
Sign upGuest: Anderson Schreiber – Full Professor of Civil Law at UERJ. Permanent Professor of the Postgraduate Program in Law (Masters and Doctorate) at UERJ. Attorney for the State of Rio de Janeiro. PhD in Law from the Università degli studi del Molise, Italy. Master in Civil Law from UERJ. Author of the books “Manual of Contemporary Civil Law”, “Contractual Balance and Duty to Renegotiate”, “The Prohibition of Contradictory Behavior”, “New Paradigms of Civil Responsibility”, “Civil Law and Constitution” and “Personality Rights”, in addition to of co-authored works and several articles published in specialized Civil Law magazines. Guest professor of postgraduate courses at CEPED-UERJ and FGV. Former Head of the Legal Studies Center of the Attorney General's Office of the State of Rio de Janeiro. Former President of the Rio de Janeiro State Debureaucratization Committee. Former Head of Legal Counsel at the Secretariat of Economic Development, Energy, Industry and Services of the State of Rio de Janeiro. Guest Researcher at the Max Planck Institute (Germany: 2012).
Sign upWork: MELO DA SILVA, Wilson. Moral Damage and its repair. Rio de Janeiro: Forense, 1955. Reading of Chapters 14 and 15 (p. 198-222), which deal with legal interests and pain. Reading Chapters 18, 19 and 20 (p. 258-320), which deal with moral damages in Brazilian law
Sign upReading Chapters 23, 24, 25 and 26 (p.361-436), which deal with ways to repair moral damage
Sign upWork: ROSENVALD, Nelson. Civil liability for illicit profit. Salvador: Jvspodium, 2019. Reading the first part of chapter 3, on p. 211 to 292
Sign upWork: ROSENVALD, Nelson. Civil liability for illicit profit. Salvador: Jvspodium, 2019. Reading the second part of chapter 3, on p. 293 to 377
Sign upWork: ROSENVALD, Nelson. Civil liability for illicit profit. Salvador: Jvspodium, 2019. Reading the third part of chapter 3, on p. 378 to 464
Sign upGuest: Felipe Teixeira Neto -Doctor in Private Comparative Law from the Università degli Studi di Salerno (Italy). PhD and Master in Civil Law from the University of Lisbon (Portugal). Specialist in Environmental Law from the University of Passo Fundo/RS. Bachelor of Law from the Federal University of Rio Grande do Sul – UFRGS. He is a professor of Civil Law at the Fundação Escola Superior do Ministério Público do Rio Grande do Sul – FMP. He is a Public Prosecutor at the Public Ministry of Rio Grande do Sul – MP/RS, currently serving as Coordinator of the Environmental Conflict Resolution Center – NUCAM. He has experience in the area of Law, with an emphasis on Private Law and Special Rights, working mainly on the following topics: Civil Law, Civil Liability, Law of Obligations, General Theory of Civil Law and Diffuse and Collective Rights, especially Consumer Law and Environmental Law . Work: TEIXEIRA Neto, Felipe. Collective Moral Damage: The Configuration and Reparation of Extra-Patrimonial Damage for Injury to Diffuse Interests. Curitiba: Juruá, 2014.
Sign upCoordination: Atalá Correia and Marília Sampaio
Sign upGuest professor: Professor Rafael Peteffi da Silva
Guest: Cícero Dantas Bisneto – Judge of the Court of Justice of the State of Bahia
Meeting with the author of the nominated book, Professor Bruno Leonardo Câmara Carrá.
Organization of work
Sign upWork: MELO DA SILVA, Wilson. Responsibility without Fault. 2nd Edition. São Paulo. Saraiva, 1974. Reading Chapters 7 and 8 (p.80-112), which deal with the insufficiency of guilt and objections to objective liability. Reading Chapters 11 and 12 (p. 164-204), which deal with the socialization of risks
Sign upGuest: Anderson Schreiber – Full Professor of Civil Law at UERJ. Permanent Professor of the Postgraduate Program in Law (Masters and Doctorate) at UERJ. Attorney for the State of Rio de Janeiro. PhD in Law from the Università degli studi del Molise, Italy. Master in Civil Law from UERJ. Author of the books “Manual of Contemporary Civil Law”, “Contractual Balance and Duty to Renegotiate”, “The Prohibition of Contradictory Behavior”, “New Paradigms of Civil Responsibility”, “Civil Law and Constitution” and “Personality Rights”, in addition to of co-authored works and several articles published in specialized Civil Law magazines. Guest professor of postgraduate courses at CEPED-UERJ and FGV. Former Head of the Legal Studies Center of the Attorney General's Office of the State of Rio de Janeiro. Former President of the Rio de Janeiro State Debureaucratization Committee. Former Head of Legal Counsel at the Secretariat of Economic Development, Energy, Industry and Services of the State of Rio de Janeiro. Guest Researcher at the Max Planck Institute (Germany: 2012).
Sign upWork: MELO DA SILVA, Wilson. Moral Damage and its repair. Rio de Janeiro: Forense, 1955. Reading of Chapters 14 and 15 (p. 198-222), which deal with legal interests and pain. Reading Chapters 18, 19 and 20 (p. 258-320), which deal with moral damages in Brazilian law
Sign upReading Chapters 23, 24, 25 and 26 (p.361-436), which deal with ways to repair moral damage
Sign upWork: ROSENVALD, Nelson. Civil liability for illicit profit. Salvador: Jvspodium, 2019. Reading the first part of chapter 3, on p. 211 to 292
Sign upWork: ROSENVALD, Nelson. Civil liability for illicit profit. Salvador: Jvspodium, 2019. Reading the second part of chapter 3, on p. 293 to 377
Sign upWork: ROSENVALD, Nelson. Civil liability for illicit profit. Salvador: Jvspodium, 2019. Reading the third part of chapter 3, on p. 378 to 464
Sign upGuest: Felipe Teixeira Neto -Doctor in Private Comparative Law from the Università degli Studi di Salerno (Italy). PhD and Master in Civil Law from the University of Lisbon (Portugal). Specialist in Environmental Law from the University of Passo Fundo/RS. Bachelor of Law from the Federal University of Rio Grande do Sul – UFRGS. He is a professor of Civil Law at the Fundação Escola Superior do Ministério Público do Rio Grande do Sul – FMP. He is a Public Prosecutor at the Public Ministry of Rio Grande do Sul – MP/RS, currently serving as Coordinator of the Environmental Conflict Resolution Center – NUCAM. He has experience in the area of Law, with an emphasis on Private Law and Special Rights, working mainly on the following topics: Civil Law, Civil Liability, Law of Obligations, General Theory of Civil Law and Diffuse and Collective Rights, especially Consumer Law and Environmental Law . Work: TEIXEIRA Neto, Felipe. Collective Moral Damage: The Configuration and Reparation of Extra-Patrimonial Damage for Injury to Diffuse Interests. Curitiba: Juruá, 2014.
Sign up