On October 21st and 22nd, Space4Women will take place in Dubai, United Arab Emirates. The initiative is promoted by the United Nations Office for Outer Space Affairs (Unoosa), and aims to guarantee women and girls equal participation in space science, technology, innovation and exploration.
During Space4Women, presentations and discussion groups will be promoted among students, researchers and public managers on the public policies necessary to remove obstacles to the presence of women in the space sector. On the occasion, ways to expand the reach of the benefits of space exploration to girls and women will also be discussed.
In this sense, under the coordination of the Brazilian Space Agency (AEB) and in partnership with the National Institute for Space Research (Inpe), linked to the Ministry of Science, Technology and Innovation (MCTI), with support from the Brazilian Institute of Education, Development and Research (IDP), we will hold the webinar They, astronauts: professions and careers in the space sector.
The webinar is part of the actions to promote social engagement, especially among women, to provoke new viewers and interests based on the discussions and themes proposed. Among them, some discussions stand out such as:
Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) to change the course of the 21st century, by overcoming poverty, inequality and violence against women, with active female participation;
Empowerment of women and their participation as a condition for achieving the Sustainable Development Goals;
Women's right to access the benefits brought by scientific and technological advances.
Unoosa and AEB Partnership
On September 23, 2020, the Ministry of Science, Technology and Innovation and Unoosa signed a memorandum of understanding to strengthen cooperation in space law and policy, sustainable development and space, among others.
The partnership foresees, until 2024, the sharing of experiences and initiatives between the institutions. The organization of Space4Women is one of the results of this partnership.
About the webinar
The event seeks to amplify arguments and points of view in tackling inequalities in access to scientific production and careers in the space sector. Therefore, AEB invited representatives from different sectors: public management, private initiative, universities and non-governmental organizations.
Patrícia Gnipper: journalist with 15 years of experience, head of editorial at FreeGameGuide and responsible for defining content and coverage for the media outlet;
Guest panelists:
Carlos Moura – President of AEB
Adriana Thomé – Special Advisor for International Relations at the Ministry of Science, Technology and Innovations (MCTI)
Ana Cristina Rosa – lawyer and entrepreneur
Marina Huidobro – Lawyers and researcher in space law
Thamara Verde – University student, member of the Aeronautical and Aerospace Research Group and first analogue astronaut from Maranhão through the Habitat Marte project
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