José Garcez Ghirardi
Associate Professor and full-time at FGV Direito SP (Undergraduate, Masters and Doctorate). Post-doctorate at the Collège de France (2017), Chaire État Social et mondialisation, with a FAPESP scholarship, and at UNICAMP (2004). Master and PhD in Linguistic and Literary Studies in English from the University of São Paulo (1995 and 1998). Lawyer graduated from the University of São Paulo (1985). Was he a member, for two terms, of the Board of Directors of the Brazilian Law Teaching Association? ABEDi, having also served as a member of the Expert Committee of the MEC Higher Education Secretariat for the area of Law. Coordinator of the CAPES-Print/FGV project "Law in the Digital Era". Coordinator of the Law Teaching Observatory at FGV Direito SP and member of the Academic Council of the Center for Teaching and Research in Innovation at FGV Direito SP. Adjunct Faculty at Gonzaga Law School (WA/USA), where he taught the courses Jurisprudence and the Arts (2010) and Political Economy of Law and Development (2013). He was a visiting researcher at Wayne State University (Detroit-MI, USA), with a scholarship granted by CNPq. He is the author, among other works, of Prisons, brothels and the stones of the law: essays in Art and Law (Del Rey, 2020), Narcissus in the classroom: new forms of subjectivity and their challenges for teaching (FGV, 2016) , The World outside Prumo: social transformation and political theory in Shakespeare (Almedina, 2011) and The Instant of the Encounter: fundamental questions for legal education (FGV, 2012)