Victor Aguiar Jardim de Amorim
PhD student in Constitution, Law and State
Lawyer and Legal Consultant
PhD in Constitution, Law and State from the University of Brasília (UnB) and Master in Constitutional Law from the Instituto Brasiliense de Direito Público (IDP). He is a professor in the Master's Program in Public Administration at IDP. He was a Preecer for more than thirteen years, working at the Court of Justice of the State of Goiás (2007-2010) and in the Federal Senate (2013-2020). He was Technical Advisor to the Special Commission for Modernization of the Tender Law, established by Act of the President of the Federal Senate nº 19/2013, responsible for drafting PLS nº 559/2013 (2013-2016), which gave rise to Law nº 14,133/2021 . With the advent of the New Law on Tenders and Administrative Contracts, upon recommendation of the President of the National Congress, he was appointed member of the Management Committee of the National Public Procurement Network, responsible for managing the National Public Procurement Portal (PNCP). He is also a member of the Brazilian Institute of Administrative Law (IBDA) and an active lawyer in Administrative Competition Law (Serur Advogados).
Courses he teaches:
Executive MBA Public Sector Leaders, Postgraduate Administrative Law, Professional Master's Degree in Public Administration
Featured works:
'Electronic Auction: comments on Federal Decree No. 10,024/2019' (Editora Fórum)
'Tenders and Administrative Contracts: innovations in Law nº 14,133/2021' (Editora Forense).