Governance 4.0 website can now be accessed
The IDP, the Getúlio Vargas Foundation (FGV), the University of São Paulo (USP) and the Faculty of Law of the University of Lisbon (FDUL), launched together the “Governance 4.0”. The project aims to reflect and identify strategic actions to define an institutional environment connected with the new context of the 21st century, where the world goes through a process of deep and rapid transformation that, on a world scale, involves the productive, commercial sectors and services, as well as families, governments and other institutions.
Technology is a key factor that drives advances, increases the efficiency of production processes and connects the world instantly. All these changes impact and reshape social relationships. The project addresses the idea that if there is a universe of uncertainty about the path of progression of new forms of economic and social relations, there is also a certainty that little or nothing will continue exactly as it is at the present time. This initiative, therefore, intends to seek strategies that can guide these transformations and establish an institutional environment capable of dealing with new demands and needs in different societies.
For IDP Professor and Minister of the STF, Gilmar Mendes, the project is of great importance nowadays. “The Governance 4.0 project constitutes an ambitious interinstitutional research project, involving the Faculty of Law of the University of Lisbon, IDP, FGV Projetos, and USP, with the aim of analyzing and debating the effects of technology on the different segments of public life and private”, explains the Professor.
The project website is now available and can be seen below: