IDP and Roma TRE organize event at the Brazilian Embassy in Rome
IDP and the Italian University Roma will organize an event at the Brazilian Embassy in Rome. The seminar will take place on December 12 and aims to honor the 30th anniversary of the Brazilian Constitution and the 70 years of the Italian Constitution, bringing students closer to IDP and its Italian university colleagues.
IDP Professor and Doctor of Constitutional Law, Marcelo do Val, is in Rome for the event and explains the importance of the Italian Constitution for Brazil. “ The relationship between the Brazilian and Italian Constitutions is one of dialogical reception. The Brazilian Constitution of 1988 was largely inspired by the Portuguese Constitutions of 1976 and the Spanish Constitution of 1978, which in turn were inspired by the Italian Constitution of 1947, in force since December 22, 1948, and the German Constitution of 1949. The information can be It was even consulted in the annals of the Brazilian Constituent Assembly of 1987”, explains the Academic.
The Professor clarifies that the constitutions portray a similarity between the historical moments that the countries went through when establishing them. “The reason for this right that spread in Europe and reached American territory through legal dialogue is based on the identification of these peoples among themselves, a product of European migrations, and a common origin in the rupture and overcoming of authoritarian regimes experienced by all of them,” adds the Doctor.
For the Professor, the event aims to strengthen ties between institutions and their students. “Having the event hosted at the Brazilian Embassy in Rome is very significant and honorable. It reveals the prestige of the IDP among public institutions, the aptitude for academic debate on an equal footing with great foreign professors, in addition to providing participants with an academic-cultural experience unprecedented in any other higher education institution in Brazil, notably in the interior from one of the most important Brazilian Embassies”, concludes the Doctor.
IDP has several partnerships with internationally recognized universities, such as Roma Tre University, University of Granada, George Mason School, University of Lisbon, Faculty of Law of Nova Lisboa, and provides its students with exchanges and academic courses abroad.
Check out the events on the University of Rome website: