IDP mobilizes the public for the importance of bone marrow donation

Bone marrow donation is important for the treatment of patients with diseases that compromise the normal production of blood cells, such as leukemia, as well as those with bone marrow and congenital immunodeficiency syndromes.
Currently, according to data from REDOME (National Registry of Voluntary Bone Marrow Donors), around 650 patients are registered in the system looking for an unrelated donor.
With more than 5 million registered donors, REDOME is the third largest bone marrow donor bank in the world. The chance of identifying a compatible donor in Brazil in the preliminary phase of the search is up to 88%, and at the end of the process, 64% of patients have a confirmed compatible donor.
The IDP highlights the importance of the act of donating, and to collaborate with the cause, all you need to do is be between 18 and 35 years old, be in good health and look for the nearest blood center with your personal documents.
Click HERE and check the list of blood centers.