IDP opens Short Course on Taxation and Cryptocurrencies
IDP launches the Taxation and Cryptocurrency short course. The course classes will discuss the operation of this new technology and how cryptocurrencies affect the market, as well as the debate on how their taxation is done. The course is focused on free graduates and will take place on June 10th and 11th at IDP.
For IDP Professor and Master in State Law, Jules Michelet, the topic is current and of great relevance. “Cryptocurrencies have become not only a means of investment, but mainly innovative means of payment that overcome state barriers. This is a payment method whose operation does not depend on State measures. It is an innovation not found since the adoption of currency in commerce and has the possibility of revolutionizing the foundations of economics and politics”, explains the Professor.
Jules Michelet complements this by talking about the importance of legal professionals studying this topic. “For Law, cryptocurrencies can be an object or an instrument. Object insofar as all human conduct ends up being an object of Law. Regulatory and tax institutions have adopted positions to regulate operations with cryptocurrencies, which is why it is important for professionals to identify the limits and possibilities in regulation in this field. As an instrument, cryptocurrencies, notably the blockchain mechanism, can prove to be tools of Law in several aspects, such as contractual, overcoming traditional practices of the profession or giving it new meaning”, concludes the Professional.
Places in the mini-course are limited and it is possible to register via the website www.idp.edu.br/eventos .
Short course - Taxation and Cryptocurrencies
Location : IDP
Date: 10/06 to 11/06 - 7pm
The course is free (limited places)
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