Selection result for the IDP Privacy Lab 2023 Project
With more than 230 applications, we would like to thank everyone who participated in our selection process for volunteer researchers for the 2023 IDP Privacy Lab activities.
We had the difficult task of carrying out a long and detailed analysis of all highly qualified and competitive applications. The number of candidates impresses us not only due to the large number of interested parties, but also because it reaffirms the relevance of the work we have developed over the last three years, aimed at mapping the data protection culture in Brazilian courts.
Having overcome the challenge, we at IDP Privacy Lab are happy to share the final result of our selection process. We greatly appreciate everyone interested. Those selected will all receive access to virtual meetings until next Monday (29/05).
To those who could not be selected, we would like to thank you immensely for your interest and dedication during the selection stages. We invite everyone to continue following the project activities, and we hope to see you again in new and future opportunities.
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