IDP professor publishes article in Public Administration Magazine
IDP professor and a doctor of business, Alexandre de Ávilla Gomide published his article “State Capabilities for Infrastructure Policies in Contemporary Brazil” in the Public Administration Journal (RAP). In the article the teacher seeks to analyze the capacity of the federal executive branch to make policies applied to a particular social group.
According to the Professor, the research was motivated by the need to understand the challenges of public management to deliver works within the expected deadline and budget. “The article investigates the capabilities of the Brazilian State to execute infrastructure policies based on the study of the public bureaucracy responsible for the sector. The data reveals that this bureaucracy has high professionalization and technical qualifications. However, these attributes are limited by low autonomy, intra-governmental cohesion, and poor interaction with actors in society”, explains the researcher.
IDP always seeks to encourage the academic production of its professors and is proud that its publications are highlighted in major journals in their respective areas. Congratulations, Professor! It is an honor to have you on our faculty.
Check out the summary of the article below:
The text aims to discuss the capabilities of the Brazilian State, notably the Federal Executive Branch, to produce efficient infrastructure policies that deliver the expected benefits and obtain the support (or consent) of impacted social groups. It is argued that the professionalization and technical qualifications existing in the federal government's public bureaucracy are constrained by low autonomy and intragovernmental cohesion. Likewise, the bureaucracy's relations with local society, representatives of federal entities and control agencies are precarious. This situation constitutes a barrier to the efficiency and legitimacy of state action in the sector.
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