IDP professor will participate in the International Environmental Congress at OAB

Professor Dr. Luz Amparo Llanos Villanueva, professor of International Law at IDP, will participate in the International Environmental Congress at the OAB section Venda Nova de Minas Gerais , on August 25th and 26th, 2022.
The event will feature the participation of renowned jurists from Argentina, Portugal, and Brazil.
Registration is now open to present papers at the 1st International Congress on the Environment of ESA/OAB Subsection Venda Nova/MG. Interested parties will be able to participate by presenting summaries of academic work with the right to a certificate, oral presentation and publication in an e-book. To register, simply access the notice l1nq.com/duKd4 and observe the necessary requirements. The registration deadline is July 20, 2022. Don't miss this opportunity for professional and academic exchange, we are waiting for you!
Guest speakers:
Chief Iskukua Yawanawa: Preservation and Reforestation
Carla Martins: "Spatial Law and Connections with Humanity"
Elísio da Costa Amorim: The Environment in Portuguese and Community Legislation and its Legal Consecration
Lélio Braga Calhau: Environment and Green Criminology: challenges for environmental criminal protection
Léo da Silva Alves: The Impact of the Environment on Quality of Life in Centers Urban
Lorena Bastianetto: Challenges of Overflowing International Environmental Law: procedural aspects.
Luz Amparo: Environment in Peruvian Legislation
Maria Estela Bordon: Argentine legislation and Argentine jurisprudence in environmental matters
Warley Belo: Environmental Criminal Law: Approximation in Winfried Hassemer
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