IDP student launches book about custody hearing

The master in Law from the IDP Teaching, Development and Research Institute, Lorena Ocampos, will launch her book “Custodial Hearing: presence as a fundamental right”.
This Wednesday, the 27th , at 7pm , professor, substitute judge and master in Law, Lorena Ocampos, will launch her book “ Custodial Hearing: presence as a fundamental right” , at Quanto Café, at SCLN 103, Block A , Asa Norte .
The author-judge worked at the Custody Hearing Center from 2016 to 2020 and, from a critical and contextualized view, presents the reader with the institute's main legal concepts, reinforces the importance of the topic in the context of defending fundamental rights and dialogues with the most important research on the subject.
The work is the result of the author's master's thesis and is included in the academic field as one of the most important references on custody hearings in Brazil.
Lorena was advised by Prof. Dr. Carolina Costa Ferreira, Professor of the Postgraduate Program in Constitutional Law at IDP, who even wrote the preface of the work.
The book was published by D´Plácido and is available for purchase online on the publisher .
Lorena Ocampos is a substitute judge at the TJDFT. Master in Law from IDP. Specialist in Law from UPIS in Agreement with the DF Judiciary School. Professor of Criminal Procedure and Criminal Sentence in postgraduate courses and preparatory courses for public examinations. Speaker. Author of legal works.